
Type: Posts; User: jeffmic

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  1. v157 Re: Help - Gmail stopped sending emails from ZenCart 2 days ago

    I think I got it fixed. I went to my gmail account and turned on 2 factor auth.
    Then the option for 'app' appeared and I created an app password that I also entered in the Zencart email password...
  2. v157 Help - Gmail stopped sending emails from ZenCart 2 days ago

    I noticed 2 days ago that I was no longer receiving confirmation emails from customer orders.
    After enabling the debug option 4 in functions_email.php, I discovered that Gmail will no longer all...
  3. v157 Re: Sidebox searches with an iPhone - word with apostrophe leads to no results

    It's quite a bit over my head for coding, but I'll give it a try after reading over the instructions. thank you
  4. v157 Re: Sidebox searches with an iPhone - word with apostrophe leads to no results

    Sure enough, turning off smart punctuation on the iPhone keyboard settings changed the apostrophe to 'straight'. But I can't tell all my customers to change that on their devices :-(
  5. v157 Re: Sidebox searches with an iPhone - word with apostrophe leads to no results

    This could be why...
    But how can I have Zen Cart allow for this so my customers don't have to do anything to fix it on their end?

    Unable to Type Apostrophes? (Replaced with Grave Accent Marks)...
  6. v157 Sidebox searches with an iPhone - word with apostrophe leads to no results

    Hi guys,

    I was searching my website this morning and noticed that searching for a particular product came up with no results when I know it's there. I used the sidebox search and one of my search...
  7. v157 Re: Using 157b - Won't work-Sales Tax Summary Report or Monthly Sales & Tax Summary

    btw - I did create a mySQL query to look up the sale tax amounts for the quarter I wanted. But it nice to have the plugin.
  8. v157 Re: Using 157b - Won't work-Sales Tax Summary Report or Monthly Sales & Tax Summary

    This is weird, as soon as I click on the plugin in the admin area, the files in the admin/includes/functions/extra_functions folder pertaining to the particular plug literally erase themselves in...
  9. v157 Won't appear-Sales Tax Summary Report or Monthly Sales & Tax Summary


    Upgraded to 157b from 155a and I always used 'Sales Tax Summary Repor'.
    Reinstalled it in 157b fresh but I cannot get the report to appear.

    Also installed 'Monthly Sales & Tax Summary' to...
  10. Replies

    Re: Quantity Discounts for 1.3

    OK - they were the only errors I had left after my upgrade.
  11. Replies

    Re: Quantity Discounts for 1.3

    Hi Scott,

    I have these errors in 157 using your updated plugin code and also after I compare the modifications for my site.
    Can you help?

    [01-Dec-2020 09:42:06 America/New_York] PHP Notice: ...
  12. v157 Re: What is the proper way to add a field reference into HTML5 audio player source co

    I also have this code in the template to call up the jplayer.
    This has the php echo, but how do you add it to the html5 code properly

    (old code)

    <!--bof Product description5 -->
    <?php if...
  13. v157 Re: What is the proper way to add a field reference into HTML5 audio player source co

    All I found from my old code was code in the functions/extra_functions to assign the audio sample.
    no php "echo" statement. Is this something I could still use?

    function mp3_sample($prid) {
  14. v157 Need solution: Undefined index: customer_id when using sidebox/login_box.php


    Any help would be appreciated.
    I use the plugin Login Box, but I'm receiving debug errors in 157 (mostly like earlier too but didn't notice until I turned debugging on.
    Can anyone help me to...
  15. v157 What is the proper way to add a field reference into HTML5 audio player source code?

    Hi guys,

    I'm replacing my java jplayer mp3 audio player with an html5 audio reference for each song/product.

    Here is the code I want to add to the product info page with a manually pasted...
  16. v157 Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    I believe I finally tracked it down.

    After replacing with the default template, I no longer had any pages that were timing out.
    Slowly I substituted the common and css from the default template...
  17. v157 Re: Product Info attributes - How to hide the $0.00 on the right of any attribute?

    Thank you!

    That fixed the problem.
  18. v157 Re: How do you hide the price on the products page? (not details page)

    Thank you!

    Yep, that was pretty simple. ;-/
    Leave the ID, then replace with a '<br>' or just put '' which worked better for me.

    I was trying to hide the whole line at first which created the...
  19. v157 Re: How do you hide the price on the products page? (not details page)

    Hm, thank you, but that also removed the entire column for me.

    Just below the price in the same column I have a big (dumb person) button to make it easy to click to the details page. It...
  20. v157 Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    I'm running MAMP Pro 6.
    The old website is on the same network port mapping 80/443 to a 2008 MacPro and has worked perfectly for many years.
    I wanted to shut down the...
  21. v157 How I you hide the price on the product listing page? (not details page)

    How do you hide the price on the products page? (not details page)

    The code is in the modules/product_listing.php file, but I can't see to be able to hide to price without rearranging the rest of...
  22. v157 Product Info attributes - How to hide the $0.00 on the right of any attribute?

    Product Info attributes - How do you hide the $0.00 on the right of any attribute?

    I had this working in old code, but I had to replace the attributes.php file to get rid of other errors and I...
  23. v157 Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    I think I figured out where the delay is happening, but I’m not sure where to start to fix it. Yesterday I decided to duplicate the database and run the Zc install to update that database (in case...
  24. v157 Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in succession

    Hi guys,

    Moving from El Capitan macOS server on 1.5.5a to a fresh install of 1.5.7 on MAMP Pro (6.0) with php 7.4.9 and mySQL 5.7.30 and creating my website again fresh.

    Site is installed...
  25. v157 Re: help to properly setup/install SSL GoDaddy certificate on MAMP Pro for new 1.5.7

    Hi Dr Byte,

    Yes I understand they are unrelated matters. As I will be decommissioning by old Mac Pro when the old website is disabled, I was hoping to use the exact same certificate to test it...
  26. v157 help to properly setup/install SSL GoDaddy certificate on MAMP Pro for new 1.5.7

    Hi Guys,

    I'm updating my 1.5.5a site.
    I decided to start from fresh, purchase a Theme Forest YourStore 157 theme-use their full 157 install, load in my products and fine-tune the updated site...
  27. Replies

    v155 Re: Unable to delete products in admin

    thank you - I found the thread and made the changes
  28. Replies

    v155 Unable to delete products in admin

    Hi gang,

    I have ZenCart 1.5.5a that was upgraded 2 years ago. I just noticed a problem today that for some reason I didn't before. When specifically using the Safari browser on macOS in the...
  29. Replies

    v155 smtpauth problem from gmail

    Hi Gang,

    I got hacked over the weekend and I changed all my passwords.
    After changing my gmail password, I entered the new one in Zencart in the email settings.

    Now gmail says this:

  30. v155 After upgrading to 155a, any initial website entry is slower to display the page now

    Hey gang,

    Ever since I upgraded from 151 to 155a (done professionally from a known outside service I hired), when I enter my website on any computer or device, that initial page display takes...
  31. Replies

    v154 Re: Responsive Sheffield Blue V 2.0!

    Hi everyone. I'm updating my website from 1.5.1. to 1.5.5a. I love the look of this template.
    But as soon as I uploaded all the files to the new test website, I couldn't get into the admin page at...
  32. v151 Avoid installing OS X Server 10.11.4 - breaks all certificates

    Avoid installing OS X 10.11.4 and Server - breaks all certificates.
    All payment methods requiring SSL will not work.

    Just went through a nightmare day to reinstall from a Time Machine backup,...
  33. Replies

    v151 Re: Has anyone installed jplayer on a ZenCart website?

    Thought I'd ask again if anyone has installed the jplayer stuff to make the website mp3 player more consistent across browsers. I have one all picked out that I like and jscript 1.10.2 is installed...
  34. Replies

    v151 Re: Has anyone installed jplayer on a ZenCart website?

    Any luck on this? Looking for someone who knows how to get jplayer to work within Zencart correctly.
  35. Replies

    v151 Has anyone installed jplayer on their store?

    I'm looking to adapt the HTML5 audio player I'm using on my website for audio previews to a specific jplayer design and have it be more consistent looking between browsers and mobile devices. Has...
  36. v151 Re: Play and pause so only one HTML5 audio element at a time plays on my website.

    I'll dig around in the future and figure out what exactly is utilizing jQuery on my website. Most of it was the 'disable after search' code you recently wrote and also the ajax-style searching that...
  37. v151 Re: Play and pause so only one HTML5 audio element at a time plays on my website.

    Only problem I can find is this javascript will not work on the iPhone iPad. Multiple songs continue to play on that platform. 4 desktop browsers I've tested are good though.
  38. v151 Re: Play and pause so only one HTML5 audio element at a time plays on my website.

    I got it.

    The updated code I received and copied from my email instead of this forum had 2 extra * in it... I took them out and PERFECTO!

  39. v151 Re: Play and pause so only one HTML5 audio element at a time plays on my website.

    This looks like various code I've seen while searching the web for a solution but when I implemented it as you instructed, none of the other audio tracks that I'm playing stop when I start a new one....
  40. v151 Play and pause so only one HTML5 audio element at a time plays on my website.


    I've got several HTML5 audio elements on a page. The play and pause functions work appropriately, but the tracks can all be played at the same time which is quite frustrating. The amount of...
  41. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    When working and digging into this with Dr. Byte today, we seemed to have found a solution.

    1 - We changed 3 tables to InnoDB (and anything with FullText had to be changed to Normal)
    2 - A few...
  42. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    Does anyone recommend that I change my storage engine to Myisam to InnoDB? There is a contribution on Zencart by Data-Diggers, but it doesn't appear in the tools menu on Zencart 1.5.1. It is...
  43. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    profiling seems to be fine on any of the searches I did:

    Starting 24 µs
    Waiting For Query Cache Lock 3 µs
    Checking Query Cache For Query 12 µs
    Checking Privileges On Cached 3 µs
  44. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    Here is more that got cut off in my last post

    # Time: 130807 15:27:03
    # User@Host: zencart[zencart] @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 247.009971 Lock_time: 0.000125 Rows_sent: 1 ...
  45. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    This mysql clogging is never ending. 2 or 3 people are searching at this time each time one search is started, and then another is added, BOTH searches suffer and become clogged. Thank you to...
  46. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    thank you for the incite. I didn't see a speed increase on a search just now, but hopefully this helps the problem with multiple searches at the same time.

    Another question: Any ideas why...
  47. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?


    thank you, but as soon as I changed it, tells me it's too low.

    -------- General Statistics --------------------------------------------------
    [--] Skipped version check for...
  48. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    I'll try that later today - about to go out for the afternoon.

    I'm still so confused as to why I cannot run 2 queries at the same time from different ips without it clogging both of them. Have...
  49. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    I put it in. Not really any difference with 2 searches at the same time. Both took a little over 10 seconds to complete. Thanks for your help on everything today :-)
  50. v151 Re: Does anyone else have this issue with search result long delays?

    I believe this is already enabled:

    query_cache_size = 256M
    query_cache_limit = 4096M
    query_cache_type = 1
Results 1 to 50 of 279
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR