Plugin Library

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Plugins for Zen Cart contributed by the community
Category Description Count
Admin Tools Add extra features to your stock Zen Cart Admin. Extra reports, HTML editors, data importers, email tools and many more! 253
Buttons and Graphics Spice up your site with different buttons and extra graphics. 79
Language Packs Need to run your site in a language other than English? Easy! Download and install a new language pack. 70
Marketing Tools Add upsells and cross sells or get connected with your customers with email and social networking. 139
Other Modules Miscellaneous plugins that can add the feature you've been looking for. 386
Payment Modules Accept payments around the world using credit cards, bank transfers and other payment modules. 251
Pricing Tools Specialized pricing tools just right for your shop. 23
Privacy and Condition Statements Easily add conditions, terms of service or privacy policies to your Zen Cart site. 5
Product Types Selling products or services that don't quite fit the standard mold? Try a custom product type. 9
Shipping Modules Plugins for shipping services from around the world. 115
Sideboxes Customized modules for your sidebars. 136
Template Alterations Not looking for a full template design? Check out these template parts and pieces. 96
Template Packages - Responsive Design Responsive templates - built with mobile devices in mind 23
Template Packages - Legacy Zen Cart templates that you can just "drop in" and use. 176
Troubleshooting Tools Think you have a problem? Perhaps these troubleshooting tools can help you out. 15
Zones Premade geographic zones for your taxes and shipping. 43

Addon Statistics

We have 2,204 files in 16 categories.
They have been downloaded 8,038,325 times.
Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR