printable vouchers

this contribution uses some custom php files, changes in some zen cart files, and requires an installation of dompdf to dynamically generate printable pdf - gift certificates which customer can use in your physical store. the vouchers are generated on-the-fly when customer downloads the file, and include an identifier (e.g. orders_id, orders_products_id) and the price.
not included but should be easy to implement:
- include any other dynamic info from your database in the voucher-pdf.
- include a barcode (containing identifier info) in pdf, and code up a small php page to scan in the barcode and verify voucher validity when customer wants to use it in your store.

READ readme first BEFORE using any of the included files. i didnt take the time to make installation idiot-proof, so really check out the changes this contribution does to your zencart installation!!! MAKE A BACKUP F I R S T!!!

feel free to use at your own risk, and make any changes you need or find useful
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Zen Cart® Versions v1.3.9
Original Author georgfly
Last Updated by georgfly - 10 Aug 2011
Downloads 907

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printable vouchers   -   Version: 1.0
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Zen Cart® Versions v1.3.9
Date Added 10 Aug 2011
Author georgfly
File Size 635.0 KB
Encapsulated? No
Downloads 907

Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR