Admin login problem: There was a security error when trying to login.
I can't log into the Admin pages. This is a new install, I have not yet made any modifications to the files. SSL is not yet set-up and the definitions are set to false. I have compared this installation with another one I have running on the same server that is working correctly and they appear to be the same.
I have been looking through the forum and the tutorials for days now, I have found some information on this issue but nothing I try has any affect.
It is only in the admin area this error occurs, a customer can log into the site page just fine.
If I enter the correct user and password I get error message 'There was a security error when trying to login'. I have tried to make the changes suggested in '', they are either already in place or have no effect on this issue.
Is there anything else I can try??? I've been at this problem for days now with now progress.
Re: Admin login problem: There was a security error when trying to login.
Have you seen this?:
Are there any redirects involved?
Re: Admin login problem: There was a security error when trying to login.
I'm very frustrated now, I've been trying to solve this login issue for days now.
It seems that the login page is not generating a $_SESSION['securityToken'] variable and that is the cause of the error message 'There was a security error when trying to login'. I hacked around and created my own securityToken to see if I could make it work that way. As a result I discovered that the variable $_SESSION['admin_id'] had not been created either. This suggests to me that somthing is missing from the admin install, but Ican't figure out what it could be... I've tried reloading the entire admin folder but this has no effect.
Where in the admin area is the security token actually generated? Where is the $_SESSION['admin_id'] created? I beleve this could be the key to solving my problem. Any help would be greatly appreceated, this bug has put me way behind in setting this site up.:frusty:
Re: Admin login problem: There was a security error when trying to login.
OK I got it working, it seems there were files missing in the install, a third install of the entire admin folder solved the problem. I still don't know exactly what file caused the error, I'm just glad it works now, thanks for all your help and support.:clap: