Using 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
I am trying to install ZenCart 1.5.7b on Windows in combnation with a local server XAMPP 8.0.0. I followed the instructions on https://codingtrabla.###############...ows-xampp.html, but, but it doesn't work with ZC157b and XAMP8.0.0.
When I open http://localhost/zencart/zc_install/index.php in my browser to start installation, I get an Error 500. The XAMPP error log doesn't give me any useful information.
Does anyone recognize this problem and know how to solve it?
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
While 1.5.7 may trigger a lot of warnings on PHP 8, it should still run.
You'll need to apply the fix that torvista eluded to:
When you get a blank page it means a fatal error has occurred. Usually that error is recorded in the /logs/ directory of the store's files. What's the error in your case?
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
Thank you very much. From now on this requirements page is one of my favourites.
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
While 1.5.7 is not officially built to avoid all low-severity "warnings" or "notices" reported by PHP 8.0, the v1.5.7c code has some patches in it for improved PHP 8.0 compatibility.
You can get the unofficial 1.5.7c (or latest 1.5.7-series) from by clicking on the green "Code" button and choosing "Download ZIP".
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
I am trying to install zen-cart-v1.5.7c-03052021 on XAMPP (PHP Version 8.0.9) and installer displays white screen. When I go to
It shows
This page isn’t workinglocalhost is currently unable to handle this request.
Any ideas how to fix it?
Re: Using Zencart 157b with XAMPP 8.0.0
That Server 500 is normally accompanied by a detailed record of the underlying issue in a myDEBUG*.log file, present in the site's /logs sub-directory.