My Add-On for MAP (minimum advertised price).
Hi All,
I just updated the MAP Pricing module so you don't have to do manual file edits anymore. I submitted the update in the downloads section. It comes with complete instuctions in the read me file.
Some manufacturers proibit people from advertising an item for less than a certain price. This is called MAP. This mod allows you to set prices lower than MAP without breaking the law because it only displays the prices once they are added to a shopping cart. On the product listing page, a message saying 'Priced so low, we're not able to advertise it. Add to cart for price.' will appear instead of the actual price.
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).
There seems to be a problem the new add-on for map pricing.
I get the following error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/afcsales/public_html/includes/functions/functions_prices.php on line 1356
How can I fix it?
Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).
Fixed the parse problem on line 1356. Now I have a another problem as follows:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: zen_get_products_actual_price() in /home/afcsales/public_html/includes/modules/meta_tags.php on line 254
When the product with MAP pricing is displayed this is the error. How can I fix this?
Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).
What version of Zen Cart are you running? I've only tested it on v1.3.5.
Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).
Re: New Add-On for MAP (mininum advertised price).
Map Version 1.1 has some problems I hope someone can help me with.
When MAP is enabled, displays lowest price and displays and displays the following message in bold red letters:
"Will not display lowest price except in shopping cart"
Please Help!