Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Originally Posted by
***we some issue with this plug.
MySQL 8.0.32
PHP Version 8.3
**it's give us php warning.
(--> PHP Warning: Constant BOX_CONFIGURATION_TY_PACKAGE_TRACKER already defined in /homepages/29/xxxxx/htdocs/xxxx/myAdmin/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/ty_package_tracker_admin_definitions.php on line 31.)
Use your admin's Tools :: Developers Tool Kit and search for BOX_CONFIGURATION_TY_PACKAGE_TRACKER in the bottom search form, in "All Files Admin". The only file that defines that constant should be the one you identified (admin/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/ty_package_tracker_admin_definitions.php).
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Some odd behaviors in Ty 4.1.0 with ZC 2.0.1/PHP8.2:
- The admin/includes/init_includes/init_typt_config.php keeps reporting successful installation on every page load.
- In admin/includes/classes/observers/TyPackageTrackerAdminObserver.php, when the constructor fires, TY_TRACKER_VERSION is not yet defined, so the fields weren't appearing.
I dug in and found that TY_TRACKER_VERSION was created in the database with a trailing space ("TY_TRACKER_VERSION "). Once I fixed that, all was well.
If you have an old database, this might have happened to you too.
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
v5.0.0 of Ty Package Tracker is now available for download:
This version requires Zen Cart 2.1.0 or later for proper operation. For integration with Edit Orders, v5.0.0 or later of EO is required.
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Congratulations on shipping a new version of this very important plugin! Great news.