Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
The other issue I have run into, which was mentioned a few pages back, is in the reason textbox, when someone enters a sentence that has an apostrophe it breaks the code. The log says there's a dB error where the apostrophe is since it's not being escaped and throws all of the field entries off. The emails still come through ok, but the page on the site is blank.
I have tried a few things without success. Kinda humbling to have forgotten so much knowledge...use it or lose it...anyway, if someone knows what needs to be done to correct it please let us know. I tried addslashes but it didn't fix it.
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
After more testing I figured out the apostrophe issue. For anyone else with this issue, in tpl_returns_default.php change line 68 from
PHP Code:
$reason = ($_SESSION['comments']);
PHP Code:
$reason = addslashes($_SESSION['comments']);
I'm still working on the COWOA issue. If I crack it I will report back, package up these changes and submit for an update.
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
Originally Posted by
After more testing I figured out the apostrophe issue. For anyone else with this issue, in tpl_returns_default.php change line 68 from
PHP Code:
$reason = ($_SESSION['comments']);
PHP Code:
$reason = addslashes($_SESSION['comments']);
I'm still working on the COWOA issue. If I crack it I will report back, package up these changes and submit for an update.
I was thinking of adding this mod to my site, but was slow at getting to it.. It turned in to more of a rewrite then I first would of thought!
Out of the box, its not setup to work with COWOA and removing the customers_id checks opens to many doors. There is some other issues with the code, but setting comments into a session, I'm not seeing a reason!!
I think it would be better to sanitize the comment and then add the slashes.. I moved the code into the header which let me kill the session..
$reason = zen_db_prepare_input(zen_sanitize_string($_POST['reason']));
$reason = addslashes($reason);
I'm redesigning the template page and still working on the back end... just came across another site layout for order status I liked... so taking the design back to the order status page and redesigning it too... looking forward to your updates!
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
I tried your change, Dave, and it didn't work. Nothing was recorded in the order comments history. Did you remove $_SESSION['comments'] = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['reason']); from the header_php file?
I will post my progress here since you may want to merge it with what you've done. And maybe vice versa? I am also looking at your COWAA mod, I may use that instead of COWOA. So maybe that is the way forward. It says in the docs about COWOA which is why I mentioned it here.
This has a lot of potential. I would think anyone selling physical products would need this since returns are just a part of doing business.
2 Attachment(s)
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
Originally Posted by
This has a lot of potential. I would think anyone selling physical products would need this since returns are just a part of doing business.
After looking at different sites and how they did returns/order status, I ended up rewriting the entire set of code for returns and order status to meet my needs. Did away with tables and setup for responsive layout, with the return number attached to an item and not the entire order.. The tie in is based on order number and email, not account.
After some testing, I'll change some things so it well work on the default responsive template and zip it up..
Order Status page and return page
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
Very nice! I really like what you are doing with this and I think it is a fantastic improvement! Please let me know if you need me to do any testing, I am happy to help.
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
Originally Posted by
Very nice! I really like what you are doing with this and I think it is a fantastic improvement! Please let me know if you need me to do any testing, I am happy to help.
Well, I just had another senor moment and canceled an order I placed 2 hours before with one of the big on line stores! Which now is making me reconsider the idea of order status, returns and cancellations as being separate mods which makes communication between them a pain in the south bound end of a north bound mule...
Rules I'm using...
1) anyone placing an order should be able to check status without logging in.
2) any item in the order could be canceled before the order is shipped.
3) any item in the order could be returned after the order is delivered.
4) no virtual products can be returned. (software safety)
any others you can think of!
Well have to do some more work but when I get something put together, I'll post on GitHub for testing.
Should take this to a new thread so not to make a mess out of this one..
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
Originally Posted by
Very nice! I really like what you are doing with this and I think it is a fantastic improvement! Please let me know if you need me to do any testing, I am happy to help.
Very nice indeed
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
I didn't forget just still toying with some ideas, but stable enough to place on Github as beta. Had another idea pop up today so soon as I think the table is stable I’ll start a new thread and send it to the plugins. Went from a RMA to adding a cancel to creating a return management system in admin...
Re: Flexible Return Authorization (RMA) for ZC v1.5.x [Support Thread]
It says
"Order info gathering: A customer or COWOA customer is now taken to a new page (Return Authorization Request) where they can login or lookup order for which the item is on to request a RMA#."
COWOA customers can look up order details and below it shows message "Submit a Returns Authorization Request click here"
but when click on this it take to login page instead of return request form. Anyone knows how to fix this? shows "Click here" button but when click it try to load to but ask to login.