The code you refer to is very old, was never active in Zen Cart, and it has been removed in Zen Cart 1.5.6
Printable View
On my main page TechnoMonkeys, at the bottom are new products.
Under Chrome, if I mouse over them, the image is offset way up high. It works great under Safari, FireFox, SeaMonkey and Internet Explorer and nothing works properly under Internet Explorer.
I don't know if this can be handled here by IH5 or if it is exclusively a Google Chrome issue. I have reported it to Google, but we know Google ain't gonna help.
I found a similar issue mentioned under the IH4 thread, but was never resolved.
OP site here -> Hover over the "Monthly Specials For January" <-
All the floaters seem to be fenced out by the "Monthly Specials For January" div.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Operating System linux (Hostmatters)
Apache 2.4.37
PHP 7.1.25
MySQL 5.6.41
ZenCart v1.5.5f
About_us page
dbio 1.5.1
MainImageReplacer-v1.0 (modified extensively)
Local OS Mojave 10.14.3b
PHP 7.1.23
Apache 2.4.34
MySql 8.0.13
That imagehover.js issue has been around for quite a while and, given the availability of alternate "hover" solutions now available, I have no plans to correct that ... unless someone submits a PR to the IH-5 GitHub repository.
Are we missing some SQL to add the file admin/image_handler.php to TABLE_ADMIN_PAGES?
Nope, it's right there in the init_image_handler.php, on a fresh install.
Code:// -----
// Register the Image Handler tool within the Zen Cart admin menus.
if (!zen_page_key_exists('configImageHandler4')) {
zen_register_admin_page('configImageHandler4', 'BOX_TOOLS_IMAGE_HANDLER', 'FILENAME_IMAGE_HANDLER', '', 'tools', 'Y', 14);
OK. Legacy issue: this won't fire if you're doing an upgrade from a 1.3 site with the old image handler. If you move it down below the IH_RESIZE check, it *will* work. Not suggesting a code change since this won't be an issue for most folks but maybe a note in the docs.
I'll add a section to the online Troubleshooting documentation: