Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Originally Posted by
I edited the file as you indicated, added the field in the configuration but not sure this is the result we need.
Originally Posted by
User Defined Products Fields:
products_price_w: TRUE
options_values_price_w: FALSE
I did an export and the options_values_price_w column is not in the Detailed Products Attributes file.
Did I misunderstand something you said?
Originally Posted by
Too late to edit.....hold on, editing error on my part. Update to come....
Understand that more is likely to come, but would like to go ahead and cover what has been already "discussed".
So I didn't correct the attempt to use the User Defined Products Fields for an attribute field, which would be why the above "FALSE" occurred, because that field (options_values_price_w) does not exist in the products table. (Sure someone could add it, but it is not the field in question.)
So then the desire is to work with that field which has been identified as working with the module titled "Dual Pricing". As such, in the list of Custom Products Fields, if the options_values_price_w field is identified in the products_attributes table, then a TRUE will be shown. Ie.:Product Short Descriptions: FALSE
Product Unit of Measure: FALSE
Product UPC Code: FALSE
Google Product Category: FALSE
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price: FALSE
Manufacturer's Advertised Price: FALSE
Group Pricing Per Item: FALSE
Exclusive Products Mod: FALSE
Stock By Attributes Mod: FALSE
CEON URI Rewriter Mod: FALSE
Dual Pricing Mod:TRUE
With that shown as TRUE, the field is expected to be included in the exported attribute_detailed file and with the correction applied above that same system could process a detailed attribute file that does not have the field and the field would remain unchanged. If the change is not applied, then the field would need to remain present when importing or else the field would become blank for each successfully processed row.
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Ok, the problem was I didn't notice the installed version was 4.0.28.
I upgraded and now the v_options_values_price_w column is in the file, as expected. I've applied the edit to easypopulate_4_attrib_detailed_ep.php as well.
I'll do a small test before importing to be sure that works as planned and report back if we run into issues.
I love when things work the way they are supposed to!!
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
trying to get EP newest version to work on our site. We originally were able to use it without issue, install went fine etc. I was able to use it to manually move 7k products from our previous site (based on magento) into our new ZC site. Upload seemed to work fine, but after a certain (unknown) point export ceased working. I am guessing this is due to the quantity of products we are working with. However, after we got everything moved up we had a firm install and configure a custom template for us...template is based on simple mods of the base template, nothing terribly fancy or crazy and no core file mods. However, after that they ended up pulling out EP and told us it no longer worked with the current version of ZC. As a test, I took the final site and copied it to a staging domain and tried to install...install seemed to sort of work but it completely broke the CSS for the admin area and didn't seem to work for either upload or download.
I am really wanting to be able to use EP because it's a very handy module to have. Our current site is running on 1.5.5e (haven't updated to f yet). So, after searching this thread and the forum at large and not really finding solid answers I want to know:
1. can we install and get EP working with our site, given the amount of products and template changes? If it helps, feel free to take a look at the current site at
2. If we can get this installed and working, is there a way to keep it from breaking the CSS on the admin panel?
3. anything else I should know, that perhaps I am missing here, that needs to happen to get this to install and work correctly?
Any help would be most appreciated!
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Ok, so, going to say wow... for starters.
Let's try to address each issue separately then get to where you are wanting to get.
First of all, EP4 doesn't care about the store side template. So, the only benefit/issue is how has the database been changed to support the template in regards to product specific data and the tables that might relate (ie. Categories, manufacturers, attributes, etc...)
With regards to how the admin screen of EP4 looks, well, there are some tables that are used and default ZC "references" to things like the admin menu. There is nothing about the EP4 admin display that would affect admin operation/display other than when looking at the EP4 "window". If that has been significantly revised, then there is something that has otherwise been modified that possibly needs to be brought into your install of EP4.
As to product import/export. The amount of data associated with that process is why there are some additional options for both operations. For export there is a series of dropdowns that allow export of smaller groups of data. For import there is a split "utility" intended to take a large file for import and create data chunks that each are manageable. There are some changes that have been made on github which may allow larger import/export files, but this is also dependent on server configuration. It does not address anything else of what has been described above.
To be honest, I'd probably have to have access to the admin area to identify the "css" related issues described as an image of that screen compared to another admin menu would not likely be sufficient to address that aspect.
The instructions do at least lightly describe settings that can be modified to support longer time durations for import/export.
But, the statement that the plugin is not functional for ZC 1.5.5x is untrue. Not compatible with whatever admin templating was done, sure could be that way, but not unmanageable.
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Exporting prices, for some reason I can't format either in libre calc or Excel decimal values like this: 11.99, 5.5, etc...
While integers it formats: 17 to 17,00 EUR , etc...
What can I do to go around this ?
I actually never need it, always use the cvs format, to update, but now I do nedd to convert this values to use somewhere else.
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Could you connect the dots a little more?
Export of the file creates a csv file with numbers in it. When using a plain text editor, what do these numbers look like?
Then opening in open office or Libre, how does this display change?
When saving/save as the file (using a slightly modified filename to support comparing) how do the numbers now appear?
Then upload and import of that row, what happens?
In a way it sounds as if the application of use is possibly converting the currency symbols to support the locale, but possibly the import file needs to have a different series of currency symbols. If this is the case, then typically such settings are specific to the cell(s) of the spreadsheet and at least for import to the store, the file should be formatted to the same as the store exports.
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Originally Posted by
Could you connect the dots a little more?
Export of the file creates a csv file with numbers in it. When using a plain text editor, what do these numbers look like?
In a way it sounds as if the application of use is possibly converting the currency symbols to support the locale, but possibly the import file needs to have a different series of currency symbols. If this is the case, then typically such settings are specific to the cell(s) of the spreadsheet and at least for import to the store, the file should be formatted to the same as the store exports.
They look like ... numbers :)
What I find odd, is that I can't format the decimal numbers either in excel or libre calc
The example bellow shows what happens.
With specials prices, the same thing.
It's a bit odd, isn't ? Can you convert some price like 11.99 to 11.99 EUR in excel / libre calc ?
4,00 EUR
4,00 EUR
4,00 EUR
4,00 EUR
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
Just to be clear.
The export / import works as desire.
I just want to format in libre cal .
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
I would add another column with a header that doesn't conflict with ZC (best for it not to start with v_) after the price and include the currency there. This way the data doesn't get affected by the added user information, but it still adds value to reviewing the file. The extra field will be ignored on import so won't have an effect on the store.
Hopefully have understood the intent.
If you do want to concatenate two fields (join them) at that point, then there is a function aptly named concatenate to do just that. A yet other column could be created to have that information and would be something like (see help file for associated program): =CONCATENATE('A2',' ','B2') which would take the content of cell A2, put a space after it, then to that add on the contents of B2. If the function is in cell C2, then it could be copied down for the rest of the column and the contents of the cell would become the combination of the two.
After that, I suggest searching the Internet for other useful ways to work with spreadsheets and workbooks to accomplish your desired operation.
Otherwise perhaps I still haven't understood the question. But past experience has been that the file needs to be opened not as read only in order to manipulate cell styles etc...
Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread
I could do that, but there's a catch: I also need to change the dot to a comma ( for whatever reason we use that currency format).
And even that I can't do.
Haven't tried to use the "find and replace", but that a lot of extra steps , that opens doors to mistakes.
I'm trying to export to a Facebook catalog, and they require that format: 10,50 EUR.
Now, in Zen cart the prices are displayed correctly for my country, with a comma.
Maybe I could change the $row "prices" at export ( using the ep4bookx), to use the country currencies format, but I think that's a class "currencies".
Either way, it puzzles me why I can't format the numbers.