Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
2 reasons:
- The current version is completely independant and does not required overwriting any files.
- On previous versions, I'd have to examine and update my codes if ZenCart or Super Order module updated their codes.
Originally Posted by Zapisto
why separate the tracking from the order.
i loved how it was before, dont need to go to an other menu.
now when i show an order , it did not display the tracking
i have to go to ty package to see all the tracking.
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Did you install the SQL file?
If not, read the README file for instructions.
Originally Posted by rkeppert
I am having a small problem with this mod. I installed everything and i have no options under Admin>Ty Package Tracker to specify package carriers or tracking links...
Help, please?
Thank you
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
That was it!! So glad you can recognize things. Was about ready to learn PHP for this. Any clue as to why I am getting a double url in the confirmation email? The intial order confirmation email is correct but the updated tracker confirmation url shows twice. I am not sure if this is a Zen Cart or the tracker issue as I do not see anything that would change emails in the tracker code but I really do not know where to look in the Zen Cart code. I posted in another thread to try and find out but still not sure.
Once again...thank you.
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Originally Posted by colosports
2 reasons:
- The current version is completely independant and does not required overwriting any files.
- On previous versions, I'd have to examine and update my codes if ZenCart or Super Order module updated their codes.
thanks for the explanation :)
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Originally Posted by titian
That was it!! So glad you can recognize things. Was about ready to learn PHP for this. Any clue as to why I am getting a double url in the confirmation email? The intial order confirmation email is correct but the updated tracker confirmation url shows twice. I am not sure if this is a Zen Cart or the tracker issue as I do not see anything that would change emails in the tracker code but I really do not know where to look in the Zen Cart code. I posted in another thread to try and find out but still not sure.
Once again...thank you.
It was a configuration isssue.
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Originally Posted by ctcentralinfo
The mod will work for the japanese postal system
Your tracking link by item number search for EMS service is
The setting and link can be added under Admin->Configuration->Ty_Package_Tracker.
I have not tested out the other service. To find the tracking link for the other service, try this:
1. Go to
2. Enter the service and enter the item number.
3. Copy the link in your address bar.
4. Shorten the tracking link by removing any extra value. There all lots for are extra values.
5. Refer to the tracking link above. It seems that, the Japanese Postal require 2 values in order to track (searchKind and reqCodeNo1).
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
I am ready to do some minor updates to the mod.
So far I haven't notice any major bugs yet.
If you discover any bugs, please inform me. Since I haven't gotten much questions on this forum, I am assuming everything is running smoothly. (or nobody is using the mod. lol)
If you have any suggestions or something that you would like to add, please post it here or e-mail me.
For those advance users: If you modified my module by adding/changing the codes, please e-mail me. If it improves the mod, I would like to add it on future versions.
Enjoy the mod,
TyPackage Tracker with 1.3.5
I just installed another cart, using 1.3.5. This mod is the first I've tried to install, and so far no go. The admin side works fine, but not the catalog side. I've checked and rechecked that files are installed in the proper directory, including my custom template (which, to now, is just the classic in a renamed directory). Under the catalog side in the my account page, instead of the ty_package_tracker page being called, the main_page_account_history_+info page is being called.
Does this mod work with 1.3.5 and/or does anyone have any ideas on what I might have missed?
Thank you!
The site I installed it on is at
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
This module works fine on Zencart 1.3.5
You need make this optional change as described in the Readme file
/includes/filenames.php (1 optional changes)
| Change #1: (highly recommended - Making this change will allow your customer to track packages from the "My account" Page.) |
| define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO', 'account_history_info'); to |
| define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO', 'ty_package_tracker'); |
| |
Also, don't forget to enable the Track Order sidebox at Admin->Tools->Layout Boxes sideboxes/track_orders.php
Re: Track Package from FedEx, UPS, Postal, DHL, etc..
Originally Posted by colosports
I am ready to do some minor updates to the mod.
So far I haven't notice any major bugs yet.
If you discover any bugs, please inform me. Since I haven't gotten much questions on this forum, I am assuming everything is running smoothly. (or nobody is using the mod. lol)
If you have any suggestions or something that you would like to add, please post it here or e-mail me.
For those advance users: If you modified my module by adding/changing the codes, please e-mail me. If it improves the mod, I would like to add it on future versions.
Enjoy the mod,
Okay, there used to be a bug in Zen Cart where when order update is sent, it will show New Status twice. Ty Package tracker fixed this.
However in 1.3.5 this bug has been fixed and not Ty Package tracker is broken because when a Status Update is emailed using Ty Package tracker the New Status is blank in the email sent to customer without any update showing i.e. Cancelled, Shipped, etc.