1 Attachment(s)
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
My pleasure. Thanks to you I'm pleased to confirm all is now working. :clap: It also highlighted the fact I had a lot of other junk in the database left over from uninstall scripts that only partially worked.
When you are next looking at the mod can you check:
Should the changes in the stock file be pulled across? I posted the snippets above but see my screen shot which is easier to view.
Attachment 17733
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Both code-bits provide the same function; the ones in IH5 are currently more "recent" and specific than those in your "stock" file.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Thank you. Your code it is then.
I did tried both versions and they both seemed to work but I like to sort things like this out as if ignored they have a habit of coming back to bite you years later.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Originally Posted by
Thank you. Your code it is then.
I did tried both versions and they both seemed to work but I like to sort things like this out as if ignored they have a habit of coming back to bite you years later.
Amen to that! Due diligence is a good thing.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Count or sizeof:
I did tried both versions and they both seemed to work
They are the same thing. sizeof is just an alias of count. So, makes more sense to use count as it is the "real" function.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
I'm back for a few more pointers :)
I had Image Handler 5 working in my test store on V1.5.5f. My store upgrade was ready so I delete my V1.5.1 files, copy the new ones across and run the database upgrade.
On the new live site though Image Handler is playing up. No copies of my images are placed in my bmz_cache unless I first open first open that product in my Admin by going to for example /image_handler.php?products_filter=1843¤t_category_id=87. After this page has loaded the image is created in the cache.
Up to this point IH has created the correct link so if I view the image it displays the correct path but obviously no image. Go to IH in Admin view that product and the image is created.
I've compared the files in my live and test store and they are identical except for the configure files. I assume it is therefore my database again but I am stumped as the test site was started by exporting and importing my live database so it should be the same.
PS. I can't show you it in action on my site as I have IH disabled so assume a link will not be of use?
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Originally Posted by
I'm back for a few more pointers :)
I had Image Handler 5 working in my test store on V1.5.5f. My store upgrade was ready so I delete my V1.5.1 files, copy the new ones across and run the database upgrade.
On the new live site though Image Handler is playing up. No copies of my images are placed in my bmz_cache unless I first open first open that product in my Admin by going to for example /image_handler.php?products_filter=1843¤t_category_id=87. After this page has loaded the image is created in the cache.
Up to this point IH has created the correct link so if I view the image it displays the correct path but obviously no image. Go to IH in Admin view that product and the image is created.
I've compared the files in my live and test store and they are identical except for the configure files. I assume it is therefore my database again but I am stumped as the test site was started by exporting and importing my live database so it should be the same.
PS. I can't show you it in action on my site as I have IH disabled so assume a link will not be of use?
There was an issue that I and others had upgrading IH5 - even after running the uninstall sql from IH4 something wonky happened with the new install and IH wouldn't perform - it was apparentlyed related to new IH version number table in the database configuration tables. The solution was to go into phpMyAdmin and delete that table (even though it looked correct version), then go into store admin, whereupon IH5 would reinstall itself correctly. Of course I backed up my db before doing this.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Thanks for the feedback. Yes I too had to do that but that was to get all the correct configuration settings in my test site. In my live site it installed correctly the first time with all the correct settings. I've compared the entries in both databases and they are the same.
I'll give it a shot though as I have nothing to lose.
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
OK tried that but it is still the same. Also this time I had to remove all the other config entries and not just the version number to get it to install again.
So unfortunately my issue is still as in post #56 above. Also to add to that I get no entries in my error log :(
Re: Image Handler 5 (for v1.5.5) Support Thread
Check your IH-5 settings, since you've reinstalled ... the default for IH resize images is 'no'; you should change that to 'yes' to enable storefront operation.