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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
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    Default New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    Hello, this is day 2 of using zen-cart or any shopping cart for that matter. I still have a lot to learn, but have learned a good bit sinec yesterday. My temp site I have set up until launch is I am having an issue with the text color in the middle heading where it says "New Products for Februrary" I want the text to be white, which I can do, but it also changes my welcome text color as well (This site is currently under maintenance: Welcome guest....) Is there a way i can set it so it just changes the "new products for february" Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Seligman, MO U.S.A.
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    Default Re: New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    2 Days? Then you're already familiar with your stylesheet.css then, right?

    Find this section of code:

    .leftBoxHeading, .centerBoxHeading {
        margin: 0em;
        background-color: #015258;
        padding: 0.5em 0.2em; 
    And add-------color: #fff; to make the whole section look like this:

    .leftBoxHeading, .centerBoxHeading {
        margin: 0em;
        background-color: #015258;
        padding: 0.5em 0.2em;
        color: #fff; 
    That will make the text in ALL center boxes AND ALL left side boxes be white.

    Hope this helps.
    Teach them to shop and they will shop today;
    Teach them to Zen and they will OWN a shop tomorrow!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Lansing, Michigan USA
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    Default Re: New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    Add to your stylesheet:

    #whatsNew {color:#ffffff;}

    Since you're just starting out, it would be a good idea to install the Firefox browser and the Web Developer plugin for Firefox. You can use those to see where in the stylesheet you change the styling of the various sideboxes.

    Ctrl-Shift-Y will allow you to hover over a section of the page and see the class and id names for that section.

    Ctrl-Shift-E will open the CSS editor and allow you to edit the stylesheet and see the changes in real time without changing anything permanently. A very handy tool.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    Awesome thanks for the help, and I already have that Firefox plugin. I would not have gotten even this far without it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Seligman, MO U.S.A.
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    Default Re: New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    Quote Originally Posted by stevesh View Post
    Add to your stylesheet:

    #whatsNew {color:#ffffff;}

    Since you're just starting out, it would be a good idea to install the Firefox browser and the Web Developer plugin for Firefox. You can use those to see where in the stylesheet you change the styling of the various sideboxes.

    Ctrl-Shift-Y will allow you to hover over a section of the page and see the class and id names for that section.

    Ctrl-Shift-E will open the CSS editor and allow you to edit the stylesheet and see the changes in real time without changing anything permanently. A very handy tool.
    Yep. That will work for that EXACT header, but then they'd have the same problem when the "Specials, All Products, etc " headers comes up in the middle of the page having the wrong color, when this will take care of ALL headers in the center column AND ALL headers in the left column at the same time.
    Don't get me wrong, steve........not trying to but-t heads.......just explaining why I didn't give them the same line to add.

    NOTE TO MODS: Come on..........we're not even allowed to say the word B - U - T - T in this forum, without it being censored? We're all adults, here, and that word is NOT profanity. Even my grandmother always told me to keep my B - U - T - T out of her kitchen, and she was about the most religious person I've ever known. Not ranting...........just not it because somebody could call me a B - U - T - T HEAD? Grandma done that, too!
    Last edited by Get Em Fast; 24 Feb 2010 at 09:51 PM.
    Teach them to shop and they will shop today;
    Teach them to Zen and they will OWN a shop tomorrow!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
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    Default Re: New Zenner - Needs help Center Heading Text Color

    Well I tried the following method first but it did not actually change the color of the text.

    .leftBoxHeading, .centerBoxHeading {
    margin: 0em;
    background-color: #015258;
    padding: 0.5em 0.2em;
    color: #fff;

    After that did not work I tried the #whatsNew {color:#ffffff;} .... It did change the color, but I understand your point. I plan to have other categories and more products on my main page. Is there anywhere else I might have to change it aswell? I removed the added line after it showed no effect.



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