Hi All!

I have have been having an issue with Google displaying my site on Search for about the past 8 months. I had installed the Ultimate SEO plugin about last November on my v 1.5.8 site and that is when my site's Google Search results rapidly started to decline. I removed the module, thinking that this was the problem, and have requested site indexing from Google once again and waited for results to recover as Google states it could take months.

My website (nitwitcollections.com) has been active for nearly 18 years and we previously derived 30% of our sales from organic Google Search....so this has obviously impacted our site in a very negative way.

I have again been searching for reasons why it is not showing. I do not have anything in my robots.txt that prevents it, but in using Google Search Console do a live URL inspection of a recently released product, GSC results show "URL is Not Available to Google" "Page cannot be indexed: Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag" and under indexing allowed it states "No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag"

I see in the /templates/common/html_header file that the code is:

<?php if (defined('ROBOTS_PAGES_TO_SKIP') && in_array($current_page_base,explode(",",constant('ROBOTS_PAGES_TO_SKIP'))) || $current_page_base=='down_for_maintenance' || $robotsNoIndex === true) { ?>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<?php } ?>

Is this noindex, nofollow code causing my problem? If so, can I change this to ALL or is there a setting in Admin->Config that is overriding?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
