Dr. Byte,

Thanks for the update!

Well, there is progress at least. The email now displays the formatted labels but it isn't passing the values.

Payment Method
Purchase Order
with the following information:

Account name: %s

Account number: %s

PO Number: %s
just %s no values.

This is using includes/modules/payment/po.php
class constructor
per your suggestion above.

If I use the old class constructor, I get blanks for values.
$this->email_footer = sprintf(MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER, 
$this->info['account_name'], $this->info['account_number'], 
MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER is defined thus, in includes/languages/english/modules/payment/po.php:
  define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PO_TEXT_EMAIL_FOOTER', 'with the following 
information:' . "\n" . '
  Account name:  %s' . "\n" . '
  Account number:  %s' . "\n" . '
  PO Number:  %s');
Any suggestions? We're on the brink of success!
