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  1. #1
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    Default Amazon Pay for USA?

    Zencart 1.56c
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    Yesterday I spent a lot of time installing the AMAZON PAY (for European stores) plugin. It wasn't until I had installed the module, and did a sandbox test that I discovered the plugin is for UK, DE, FR, etc. stores. I was able to do a successful test with my US amazon pay account but since the "pay region" doesn't include the US I did search on this forum and found it is not US compliant. I would think anyone using it would be charged international exchange rates if they used the plugin.

    Anyway my reason for posting is to suggest:

    Is it possible someone can change the wording of the plugin's name to say it's for just UK, DE, FR, etc. so others not in those regions will not waste time trying to install it. Neither the name of the plugin nor the description says anything about being for just certain regions.

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    Excellent suggestion. Done.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    I did the exact same thing yesterday. Is there an Amazon Pay plugin for the US??

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    1.) I wrote the UK developer that wrote the plugin and they responded back they no longer support that plugin and suggested I contact amazon.
    2.) I contacted Amazon and said the following;

    ==> I have a zen-cart store and was wondering if you offer the ability to add amazon pay for zen-cart users. I keep getting email from you guys about adding amazon pay.

    Their response was as follows;

    The situation with this case is that due to programming styles and modules, we don't provide a plugin fro ZenCart Stores. You may speak with them in order to determine if they have a plugin for US websites. For example, I have found this one, albeit it is a bit old:

    In summary, this is a situation or service that needs to be handled and clarified by them.
    So it's up to someone here to write one but I guess no one is interested in doing so

    3.) I did find a website that offered a Amazon Pay module for $50 but I am a bit leery as I don't know the developer, my research of them makes me a little concerned and I don't feel enough details in the description is enough to determine if it will work with a particular store version. I did write and ask them if it work with 1.56c for usa and they said yes it works with all versions of zen-cart. Still I don't feel comfortable about it.

    I would be willing to pay $50 to one of the developers here but not someone I found by googling.

    Oh well maybe someday.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by printchic View Post

    I would be willing to pay $50 to one of the developers here but not someone I found by googling.

    Oh well maybe someday.
    Thank you for following up on this! I would be willing to pay $50 as well, but I'm now thinking of migrating away from ZenCart since it seems to be not as popular/supported anymore. Amazon works with these commerce providers:

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by AvaAdorn View Post
    but I'm now thinking of migrating away from ZenCart since it seems to be not as popular/supported anymore. Amazon works with these commerce providers:
    Best do some thorough investigating before you make any change.

    There is NO better support in all of e-commerce than this forum. Try to get an answer from a developer in any of those "Premiere Partners."

    Not one of those "Premiere Partners" will validate in either html or css out-of-the-box. None can match all the free mods of ZC. AND, even with the purchase of one or two commercial ZC mods you would save $$$$.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by dbltoe View Post
    Best do some thorough investigating before you make any change.

    There is NO better support in all of e-commerce than this forum. Try to get an answer from a developer in any of those "Premiere Partners."

    Not one of those "Premiere Partners" will validate in either html or css out-of-the-box. None can match all the free mods of ZC. AND, even with the purchase of one or two commercial ZC mods you would save $$$$.
    I did know that! Thank you for the sage advice.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    Quote Originally Posted by printchic View Post
    I did find a website that offered a Amazon Pay module for $50 but I am a bit leery as I don't know the developer....
    If you want to PM me the URL, I'll let you know if *I* know the developer.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    If it's zucando, they are 100% trustworthy

    Zen Cart and it's community are the best!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Amazon Pay for Zen-Cart

    I had the same issue...Kept on receiving Amazon Pay emails, which mentioned Zencart, so I decided to sign up. After getting everything setup, couldn't find an Amazon Pay module. :-(


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