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  1. #2201
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by nicksab View Post
    ZC 1.5.6 c
    OPC Version 2.3.1

    Hello all,

    I am having an issue with OPC process. It is technically more of inconvenience and i am not sure if someone already addressed it before.

    When customers go thru the checkout process, the billing and shipping address being displayed are the same ( normal behavior i believe)

    If they change the shipping address and go on with the checkout process without clicking the "save change" button ( see picture) ,the desired shipping address is not saved and/or shown on the admin side, address book....As a result, the customer needs to be called or emailed to verify the shipping address. This site being a flower shop, it is really rare when billing and shipping are the same.

    Attachment 19959

    To my question, is it possible to force the save of the shipping address when change are made ( like an autosave or such )? or can the "save change" button be mandatory? so the checkout can not be continued if the shipping address changes are not saved.

    Sorry for the long post and hope it makes sense.

    Thank you for your time and help
    It looks like you've made some changes to the store's template and/or CSS for the checkout_one page. In the as-zipped distribution, once a customer clicks into the shipping-address section (after clicking the "Edit" button), a CSS overlay appears which covers the "Submit" button until the customer either clicks "Cancel" or changes the address and presses "Save".

  2. #2202
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    It looks like you've made some changes to the store's template and/or CSS for the checkout_one page. In the as-zipped distribution, once a customer clicks into the shipping-address section (after clicking the "Edit" button), a CSS overlay appears which covers the "Submit" button until the customer either clicks "Cancel" or changes the address and presses "Save".
    I recalled making a change to the css file that would automatically have the "add to address book" checked. I will replace the css file with the original from the distribution and report back.

    Thank you lat9 for your assistance

  3. #2203
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    I updated OPC to the latest version and switch template to classic. Unfortunately, no overlay or else.

    I do have a "work in progress" ZC 1.5.7 with OPC 2.3.12 on a local machine and the overlay mentioned is there.

    No idea on what is blocking it on my live site at

  4. #2204
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by nicksab View Post
    I updated OPC to the latest version and switch template to classic. Unfortunately, no overlay or else.

    I do have a "work in progress" ZC 1.5.7 with OPC 2.3.12 on a local machine and the overlay mentioned is there.

    No idea on what is blocking it on my live site at
    The live site's running a very old (v1.7.1) version of jQuery and is loading a bunch of scripts (jscript_dp*.js, jscript_imagehover.js) that aren't needed during checkout and could 'interfere'.

  5. #2205
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by strelitzia View Post
    Hi @lat9,

    I've received reports of a bug in the address processes during checkout. I tested this myself with a clean install of ZC 1.5.7d and OPC and can confirm I saw the same issues that were reported to me.

    I have pasted the initial report as I received it.

    1. If you only have 2 addresses in your address book and go to edit either the shipping or billing details, you don't get the drop down menu with the other address in it, you just have to fill out your details again. Ideally, if someone has 2 + addresses, the drop down should appear on both shipping and billing
    2. If you have 3 + addresses, and you change your billing details,
    your shipping address automatically changes. This shouldn't happen, you should be able to change your billing details and it not have an effect on the shipping address. The problem only occurs when you change the billing details. If you change the shipping address, the billing details do not update. Things to note:

    * When you manually change the billing address at checkout, the
    problem doesn't occur. It only seems to be when you are choosing from the drop down
    * If you test this, when I initially added more addresses to my
    account and then changed the billing details, the problem didn't occur. However, when you log out and back in, that's when you get the issue.
    I'm not seeing that behavior on zc157d/OPC 2.3.12. On a test account, a customer has specifically two addresses. When entering checkout and clicking the Edit button in either the billing or shipping block, (a) the dropdown shows and (b) the form auto-submits upon change.

  6. #2206
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    niccol, it's appropriate ... I'll need to do a more thorough review of the other processing path (i.e. where a different shipping method is chosen) to see if there's anything else that needs to be added.

    GitHub tracking issue:
    Correction now provided; staged for the next release of OPC.

  7. #2207
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    The live site's running a very old (v1.7.1) version of jQuery and is loading a bunch of scripts (jscript_dp*.js, jscript_imagehover.js) that aren't needed during checkout and could 'interfere'.
    Ugh looks another jquery conflict!! I have bad luck with these it seems. That s why i have been working on an entire upgrade of this site.

    js script dp is from my date picker and doesn t not seem to be the issue as per my test site.

    Not sure how to solve the 1.7.1 as it is being called/used by zx_slideshow which does not seem to be supported anymore as far as I can tell.

    Thanks for looking into it lat9. I really appreciate the help

  8. #2208
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    I'm having issues with checkout.
    I get the message "Your order's details have changed. Please review the current values and re-submit."

    I can confirm the start hash doesn't match the end hash, although the values in cart match those in checkout at the point of submitting the order.
    No errors logged in the console.

    Site is 1.5.7d with OPC v2.3.12. Template is a clone of Responsive Classic, but the issue also exists when trying template_default.

    Any suggestions on where to start looking for the cause of this issue?

  9. #2209
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by strelitzia View Post
    I'm having issues with checkout.
    I get the message "Your order's details have changed. Please review the current values and re-submit."

    I can confirm the start hash doesn't match the end hash, although the values in cart match those in checkout at the point of submitting the order.
    No errors logged in the console.

    Site is 1.5.7d with OPC v2.3.12. Template is a clone of Responsive Classic, but the issue also exists when trying template_default.

    Any suggestions on where to start looking for the cause of this issue?
    When you run the checker tool in the admin, what shows as different from the start to the ending hash?

  10. #2210
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    Default Re: One-Page Checkout [Support Thread]

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    When you run the checker tool in the admin, what shows as different from the start to the ending hash?
    Checker tool? I see the option to enable One-Page checkout debug, but nothing mentioning a checker tool. Did I miss something?



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