- PHP 7 style constructors
- Fixed pagination on List all products with subscriptions page
- Added product ID to List all products with subscriptions, List all subscriptions pages
- PHP 7 style constructors
- Fixed pagination on List all products with subscriptions page
- Added product ID to List all products with subscriptions, List all subscriptions pages
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
Over the years I have made a lot of modifications to this (multilanguage and attribute-handling to name the only things I can remember offhand), that I never got round to adding into the plugin. I hope to do it at some point, so there is now a GitHub repository for this:
The url should be added to the entry for this in the Plugins.
At the moment there are no changes from the Plugin v12 version.
Please report any new issues in GitHub.
github.com/torvista: BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
Thanks for doing this. The Github link in Plugins has been set to your repo.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
Using zc157c
On the product_info_display page I am seeing two messages for the notification reminder. These messages are defined as
With the Back In Stock Notifications settings: Enable/Disable Back In Stock Notification = 1 + Back in Stock requires login= 1Code:Line 26 To be notified when this product is back in stock please click here. Line 36 To be notified when this product is back in stock please click here.
the outcome is correct and only the value of BACK_IN_STOCK_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_FORM_LINK from line 34 is displayed.
With the Back In Stock Notifications settings: Enable/Disable Back In Stock Notification = 1 + Back in Stock requires login= 0 the outcome is as listed above.
I have been through the files multiple times and cannot work out were the second value, possibly a concatenation, i s coming from.
Environment: zc157c, vanilla
My solution is to change the Back In Stock code block number 1 which is required in tpl_product_info_display.php after
fromCode:echo $display_qty; echo $display_button;toCode:// BEGIN CEON BACK IN STOCK NOTIFICATIONS 1 of 2 if (!is_null($product_back_in_stock_notification_form_link)) { echo '<p>' . $product_back_in_stock_notification_form_link . '</p>'; } // END CEON BACK IN STOCK NOTIFICATIONS 1 of 2
This plug-in generates a lot of returning purchases.Code:// BEGIN CEON BACK IN STOCK NOTIFICATIONS 1 of 2 if ((BACK_IN_STOCK_REQUIRES_LOGIN == '1') AND (!is_null($product_back_in_stock_notification_form_link)) ) { echo '<p>'. $product_back_in_stock_notification_form_link . '</p>'; } // END CEON BACK IN STOCK NOTIFICATIONS 1 of 2
The double output is indeed a bug
to be fixed shortly.
github.com/torvista: BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
On GitHub I've made some changes, including a bug fix for the above.
These should, as always, be tested on a development site by those who are interested...
Some files are removed in the current download, as are no longer necessary for Zen Cart 1.5.7.
Users of other versions should not try this out before upgrading as no support will be given for obsolete versions of Zen Cart.
github.com/torvista: BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
Any update or progress on adding a CAPTCHA or something to prevent anonymous users from abusing the form?
What is happening is that anonymous people are entering a real email address in the TO field, but they're formatting in a way to send their spam links as part of the name.
See this screenshot example:
So what is happening is that the module is still sending these notification emails from our authorized domain and IP.......but it has the abusive spam link in the person's name being sent to another email address.
We were getting BOMBARDED with a ton of this happening and temporarily had to remove the module. But we love it and want it back, so is there anyway to either 1) prevent the form from sending without a CAPTCHA or B) prevent it from sending spam links in the name field?
NOTE: We do have a simple captcha script that we use, but I didn't know how to add it to the existing module since the form appears to be created in the CeonXHTMLHiTemplate and I didn't want to mess with that and break it!
- Jeff
To add to my post above, maybe a solution could be to insure that there are no links (www. or http strings) in the Name field before submitting. That is how these scammers seem to be getting around it.
Of course, that wouldn't prevent someone from still using the form to just spam Out Of Stock emails to people, but it would prevent them from distributing malicious links in the Name field which show up in the body of the recipients message.
- Jeff
I think that would be the first step.maybe a solution could be to insure that there are no links (www. or http strings) in the Name field before submitting
Post the issue on the Github
and if you could add a screenshot image of a list of example bad urls to filter, that would help.
github.com/torvista: BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...