ok. you have new credentials. and you are trying to get the details of an order that made use of previous credentials. that is the problem you are experiencing.
i would like to point out that i do not use square (nor do any of the few clients i have); and i only decided to code this module at the request of one of the admins.
i tried to follow the path of the previous square module, and really i never liked the idea of making an API call every time someone is looking at an order in the admin. it is a waste of bandwidth IMO, and totally unnecessary. if one looks at my authorize.net card on file module, i only make API calls when needed, ie when refunded or doing an add-on transaction, etc.
for those of you that are experiencing this error, here is the solution. script:
lines 912 -913 on version 1.0.4
PHP Code:
$response = $this->processResult($apiResponse, $request);
return $response['results']->getOrders();
$response = $this->processResult($apiResponse, $request);
if ($response['errors']) {
return [];
return $response['results']->getOrders();