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  1. #3581
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Question asked elsewhere relates to adding other SBA created fields to product searches. For example, there is a description field added to the admin area and the user would like to have that content searchable.

    A while back a new auto loading observer class was added to the catalog side to support searching the custom ID. This can be further modified to include other SBA/PWAS fields.

    The file in question is: includes/classes/observers/auto.advanced_search_categories_custom_id.php

    A duplicate file name could possibly be created for the additional content but also the file name could be changed. Really would suggest making good notes in the file.

    Anyways, around line 166, there is/ was this code:
              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " 
                                               WHERE customid LIKE '%:keywords%')";
    The permalink was:

    Anyway, that snippet specifically retrieves product ids that have a custom ID containing or like the keywords searched.

    Data in the SBA/PWAS table can be added to that parenthetical group for searching. I would suggest though adding an alias to the table to prevent potential version differences from bringing out some sort of conflict.

    So first would change that to:
              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                               WHERE pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%')";
    Then to aid in expansion I would break some of the content so that endings are on their own line. This way, new code is both easier to add and easier to find when added.

              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                                   pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%'
    And then add the requested information:

              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                                   pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%'
                                                   OR pwas.title LIKE '%:keywords%'
    I note that while in the admin screen the column is shown as a description, the database field name was title and also that the base installation supports basically 100 characters.

    I'm also aware others have added fields to that table in support of whatever additional features they've added. I would expect a similar error to include those additional fields in the search.
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  2. #3582
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Question asked elsewhere relates to adding other SBA created fields to product searches. For example, there is a description field added to the admin area and the user would like to have that content searchable.

    A while back a new auto loading observer class was added to the catalog side to support searching the custom ID. This can be further modified to include other SBA/PWAS fields.

    The file in question is: includes/classes/observers/auto.advanced_search_categories_custom_id.php

    A duplicate file name could possibly be created for the additional content but also the file name could be changed. Really would suggest making good notes in the file.

    Anyways, around line 166, there is/ was this code:
              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " 
                                               WHERE customid LIKE '%:keywords%')";
    The permalink was:

    Anyway, that snippet specifically retrieves product ids that have a custom ID containing or like the keywords searched.

    Data in the SBA/PWAS table can be added to that parenthetical group for searching. I would suggest though adding an alias to the table to prevent potential version differences from bringing out some sort of conflict.

    So first would change that to:
              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                               WHERE pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%')";
    Then to aid in expansion I would break some of the content so that endings are on their own line. This way, new code is both easier to add and easier to find when added.

              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                                   pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%'
    And then add the requested information:

              $where_str .= "OR p.products_id 
                                               IN (SELECT products_id 
                                                    FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK . " pwas
                                                   pwas.customid LIKE '%:keywords%'
                                                   OR pwas.title LIKE '%:keywords%'
    I note that while in the admin screen the column is shown as a description, the database field name was title and also that the base installation supports basically 100 characters.

    I'm also aware others have added fields to that table in support of whatever additional features they've added. I would expect a similar error to include those additional fields in the search.
    Are the code changes that you recommend required to get the search to work?

  3. #3583
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by jodean View Post
    Are the code changes that you recommend required to get the search to work?
    To use/reuse the existing code intended to offer search of SBA data, yes at least the last change was needed. The operation can be accomplished any number of other ways and may depend on other installed software.

    The above fix or addition adds the search capability that was requested in another separate thread of wanting to search the SBA description.
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  4. #3584
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    So, I went back to review the modification I applied. There was an issue with the query I created, it had an extra semi-colon from when I copied and pasted it from within phpMyAdmin.

    The issues about the missing constant, well that is something that would be seen with the code in place, visitors navigating the site until the database install was completed. I've made generated a change to the code to prevent logging that issue; however, in a way the fix is unnecessary once the appropriate constant has been set either in a file or the database.

    But, the other above issues? I have no idea how the other issues exist in your file. I do not see github history of the problem content like:
    1) I don't see what the issue is with the option list, the three options appear to have the same format with just differences in associated/necessary data. So i'm not sure what issue is/was created there.
    2) semi-colons as a part of case statements, these specifically are supposed to be colons, there is nothing that I found having semi-colons in that spot.

    I have created and force pushed an update for the original issue for the query to do what was requested: Adds all new product/attribute pairs for single attribute not yet in SBA · mc12345678/Stock_By_Attributes_Combined@064350f (
    I am reaching out because I thought this error (missing constant) was resolved, but it is still arriving. I am not clear on specifically what I need to do when you say "once the appropriate constant has been set either in a file or the database". Can you please advise what I need to do to resolve? I saw the updated install file and updated, but am not sure if that is all that needed to be done to resolve the missing constant. Thank you so much.

  5. #3585
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrey View Post
    I am reaching out because I thought this error (missing constant) was resolved, but it is still arriving. I am not clear on specifically what I need to do when you say "once the appropriate constant has been set either in a file or the database". Can you please advise what I need to do to resolve? I saw the updated install file and updated, but am not sure if that is all that needed to be done to resolve the missing constant. Thank you so much.
    No problem.

    The issue of the missing constant is expected to be non-existent upon installation of the software in an operational state. The purest state would be to:
    1. have a base Zen Cart package,
    2. load the SBA files from github merging the template changes as necessary for that additional template functionality
    3. log into your admin
    4. change the url path to access: stock_by_attr_install.php.

    For ZC 1.5.8, that would be like: mydomain/MYADMIN/index.php?cmd=stock_by_attr_install
    The installation file can also be executed by mydomain/MYADMIN/stock_by_attr_install.php

    5. Once see the generated window (in ZC 2.X may also have a message across the header and a debug log generated indicating an issue with the header), in the dropdown at the top of the screen select: Full/Upgrade DB Install
    6. press the button to run the script.

    This will add/create the constant that is missing (PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_SELECT_SBA).

    If there are other files laying around in the installation then those may be the one(s) generating the logs.
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  6. #3586
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    No problem.

    The issue of the missing constant is expected to be non-existent upon installation of the software in an operational state. The purest state would be to:
    1. have a base Zen Cart package,
    2. load the SBA files from github merging the template changes as necessary for that additional template functionality
    3. log into your admin
    4. change the url path to access: stock_by_attr_install.php.

    For ZC 1.5.8, that would be like: mydomain/MYADMIN/index.php?cmd=stock_by_attr_install
    The installation file can also be executed by mydomain/MYADMIN/stock_by_attr_install.php

    5. Once see the generated window (in ZC 2.X may also have a message across the header and a debug log generated indicating an issue with the header), in the dropdown at the top of the screen select: Full/Upgrade DB Install
    6. press the button to run the script.

    This will add/create the constant that is missing (PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_SELECT_SBA).

    If there are other files laying around in the installation then those may be the one(s) generating the logs.
    Ah, okay. I missed the last and most important step. Just completed. Thanks yet again!

  7. #3587
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    What are the table names that are created for this plugin?

  8. #3588
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5+

    Is there any way to thoroughly uninstall this module?

  9. #3589
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    Default Re: Stock by Attribute v4.0 for Zen Cart 1.3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by jodean View Post
    What are the table names that are created for this plugin?
    They are listed in each of includes/extra_datafiles/products_with_attributes_stock_database_tables.php and admin/includes/extra_datafiles/products_with_attributes_stock.php

    As being:
    define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK', DB_PREFIX . 'products_with_attributes_stock');
    define('TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK', DB_PREFIX . 'orders_products_attributes_stock');
    define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES_STOCK_ATTRIBUTES_NON_STOCK', DB_PREFIX . 'products_with_attributes_stock_attributes_non_stock');
    The value of DB_PREFIX is identified in your applicable configure.php file.

    The information on the right side of each above define makes up the table name. So, if your DB_PREFIX is zen_, then the first table would be zen_products_with_attributes_stock.

    Those tables are created through the admin file: stock_by_attr_install.php

    There are or might be other tables that are touched. Since the reason for asking hasn't been identified I haven't gone to find which are so touched and further not making assumptions about the intent. I expect that the script to install or remove would do or undo whatever issue is at hand.
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