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  1. #1
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    cart error Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    I've just released a new mod for Zen Cart. It changes the initial steps of Zen Cart's checkout to be similar in style to the one use by Amazon.

    You can download from the Zen Cart downloads section here...

    It creates two new pages, checkout_login and checkout_account. These allow the pages used for logging in and creating an account during checkout to be styled separately from the stardard ones. Additionally the checkout login page now asks only for the customers email address and if they are a new or returning customer (returning customers can also enter their password on this screen). A picture of the new first page is attached.

    The second page, checkout_account is similar to the standard create account page but styled to fit better with the checkout process.

    I've been using this style of checkout with Zen Cart for a few months now and have found it to greatly reduce checkout abandonment. It works especially well with order steps.

    I hope you find it useful. If you have any comments, suggestions or need help then let me know on this thread.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread


    Just tried to install it and nuthins happened.

    The log in/register screen is the same

    I have the "Fast and Easy Checkout" mod installed wud that make a difference?

    Chris x

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    After looking at your thumbnail, I think this is somewhat of an improvement over most Zen cart setups I've seen so far, but it doesn't solve the basic problem that pages like this are still an obstacle to a sell.

    The Zensters can argue all they want about how all shopping carts to some effect create a customer "account" at the point of sale. The big difference here (and this is a really big difference) is that absolutely any kind of language that includes words lke "register" "login" "account" appearing immediately after someone clicks the add-to-cart button can and will deter a sale.

    Maybe this is not an issue with some websites, like Amazon, where customers return over and over again. But for many, many websites, like the ones I manage, 90 percent of our customers buy once and only once. Making customers "login" before they can buy something is, well, silly.

    This is all a sore subject with me now, because I was pretty much ready to set up Zen cart, had already bought the $50 book, lined up payment processing to work with Linux, etc., etc. Now I'm ready to chuck it all and head back to Yahoo store. All because of a clunky little piece of Zen cart that apparently can't be changed. Argh.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by sywp View Post
    Just tried to install it and nuthins happened.
    The log in/register screen is the same
    I have the "Fast and Easy Checkout" mod installed wud that make a difference?
    The Amazon style checkout and the 'Fast and Easy Checkout' cannot be used together. They both modify the checkout process in order to attain different goals. You would use either one or the other.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by keyon View Post
    After looking at your thumbnail, I think this is somewhat of an improvement over most Zen cart setups I've seen so far, but it doesn't solve the basic problem that pages like this are still an obstacle to a sell.
    I've managed to get checkout abandonment below 1% and when it does happen it is usually because the customer has a problem with their card or something rather than the initial screen. I've found the best practice is to have a number of easy steps in the checkout and guide the customer through the process.

    Quote Originally Posted by keyon View Post
    The big difference here (and this is a really big difference) is that absolutely any kind of language that includes words lke "register" "login" "account" appearing immediately after someone clicks the add-to-cart button can and will deter a sale.
    If you check the attached picture again you will notice that words like "register" "login" "account" are not used anywhere on what the customer sees. The message it gives is that checking out is quick and easy and if they are a new customer all they have to enter is their email address.

    Quote Originally Posted by keyon View Post
    Maybe this is not an issue with some websites, like Amazon, where customers return over and over again. But for many, many websites, like the ones I manage, 90 percent of our customers buy once and only once. Making customers "login" before they can buy something is, well, silly.
    With this mod a new customer only has to enter their email address on the first page. On the second screen they are asked to enter their billing information, which you will always need. They do get asked to choose a password but it is done in a low key way. Most people have a standard password they enter for this kind of thing so it doesn't usually require much thought.

    The other advantage of using a similar process to Amazon is that lots of people are familiar with it and so feel comfortable using it.

    Quote Originally Posted by keyon View Post
    This is all a sore subject with me now, because I was pretty much ready to set up Zen cart, had already bought the $50 book, lined up payment processing to work with Linux, etc., etc. Now I'm ready to chuck it all and head back to Yahoo store. All because of a clunky little piece of Zen cart that apparently can't be changed. Argh.
    I understand your frustration but you do have options. There is no one single solution that fits everyone's requirements and there are a number of different mods for Zen Cart's checkout. Have you looked at the Integrated Checkout Without Account (COWOA) mod? It is not perfect but it may do what you require.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Does this work on older version of zencart? 1.3?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by voltage View Post
    Does this work on older version of zencart? 1.3?
    I can't say for certain as I have not tested it with versions prior to v1.3.7. However, I think it should work with earlier v1.3.x releases. The only change that I can see being necessary is to remove the PayPal Checkout Express code at the end of the includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_checkout_login_default.php file.

    The bit that would need removing is...
    PHP Code:
    if ($ec_button_enabled) { ?>
    <div id="checkoutLoginDefaultPPEC">
    <div><?php require(DIR_FS_CATALOG DIR_WS_MODULES 'payment/paypal/tpl_ec_button.php'); ?></div>
    <?php ?>

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by keyon View Post
    After looking at your thumbnail, I think this is somewhat of an improvement over most Zen cart setups I've seen so far, but it doesn't solve the basic problem that pages like this are still an obstacle to a sell.

    The Zensters can argue all they want about how all shopping carts to some effect create a customer "account" at the point of sale. The big difference here (and this is a really big difference) is that absolutely any kind of language that includes words lke "register" "login" "account" appearing immediately after someone clicks the add-to-cart button can and will deter a sale.

    Maybe this is not an issue with some websites, like Amazon, where customers return over and over again. But for many, many websites, like the ones I manage, 90 percent of our customers buy once and only once. Making customers "login" before they can buy something is, well, silly.

    This is all a sore subject with me now, because I was pretty much ready to set up Zen cart, had already bought the $50 book, lined up payment processing to work with Linux, etc., etc. Now I'm ready to chuck it all and head back to Yahoo store. All because of a clunky little piece of Zen cart that apparently can't be changed. Argh.
    Actually, with some adjustments, Zen Cart does very well for selling. In fact extremely well. But you have to customize it to make it happen.

    You bring up some good points about "language" to use in order to help users complete a sale. Many of these points and more were already addressed in my 20 Ways book and template pack released a while back (seen in my signature line below).

    I have worked with more than a handful of Zen Cart sites, and each is converting very well with the proper testing, marketing and customizations.

    I have also worked with Yahoo stores for people, and due to their extreme limited flexibility, they traditionally convert at a much lower rate. Just my two cents from past experience.
    20 Ways to Increase Sales Using Zen Cart
    Zen Cart contribs: Simple Google Analytics, Export Shipping Information

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Does anyone have a url where I can take a look at how this work? Does this work with Google Checkout and Paypal Express Checkout as well?


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Checkout Amazon Style -- Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BlessIsaacola View Post
    Does anyone have a url where I can take a look at how this work?
    I'm in the process of setting up a demonstration store you can try it out with. The URL is...
    ...the store is a work in progress but the checkout mod is in place.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlessIsaacola View Post
    Does this work with Google Checkout and Paypal Express Checkout as well?
    It should work with PPEC but it hasn't been extensively tested with it. I have not done any testing with Google Checkout.



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