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  1. #2191
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    Great, I'll get involved in the compact version...

    I suspected it would all be required - but it is always nice to know it is rather than to guess, not that I would know the first thing about modyfying it even if some of it wasn't necessary It most certainly looks like a heck of a lot of work that has gone into it!!!

    Thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it..
    Site Under Construction:

  2. #2192
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    Hi Dave,

    I have done your fix, but now in all browsers, the large image link just opens a new page with the image. Lightbox is not functioning at all. I am using Zen-Cart v1.3.9g. What versions have you tested your fix on? I'm not sure what else to try, but I need to get this working ASAP!


    Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
    Go to Mootools web site, download 1.3 compacted, rename it to something like 'jscript_mootools-1.3.js' replace mootools in your template jscript folder... download the zip I uploaded some posts back, unzip and replace the one in \includes\classes\zen_lightbox\slimbox.php and that should do it...

    Fuel had a even older version of Slimbox then zen lightbox did.... not sure if it was updated...

    Slimbox 2 works grate with the jquery library... same thing, edit the slimbox.php to do the jquery calls using the php coding like before and all should work the same.... I have other scripts using the mootools library is why I'll stay with it...

  3. #2193
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle View Post
    Hi Dave,

    I have done your fix, but now in all browsers, the large image link just opens a new page with the image. Lightbox is not functioning at all. I am using Zen-Cart v1.3.9g. What versions have you tested your fix on? I'm not sure what else to try, but I need to get this working ASAP!

    upgraded back in 1.3.8a all the way to 1.3.9h no problems... can't tell you what you may have missed.... no website to look at and the one in your sig is using something else that's not working ....
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

  4. #2194
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    Default Re: Zen lightbox chrome fix

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Works in I.E, Chrome and Firefox.

    Quote Originally Posted by aozhaver View Post
    OK, God forbid anyone should post here a PROPER solution to help others with the new chrome issue so after fiddling for 2 days I bring you here the proper working fully tested solution *no fiddling required*.

    Get this file Attachment 8349

    Upload to the following locations and replace existing files:

    Replace slimbox.php in your
    With the new slimbox.php file included in my ZIP

    Replace stylesheet_zen_lightbox.css in your
    with the new stylesheet_zen_lightbox.css file included in my ZIP

    copy the GIFS (photo) files to your

    THATS IT!!!

    DONT TOUCH your JScript folder files!! - leave that for the wisecracks...

    The only reason that this thread isnt FLOODED with people having this problem is simply because most haven't updated their chrome version.

    Even I by total chance had to uninstall chrome and reinstall a new version to resolve unrelated issues and then my woes started with lightbox.


  5. #2195
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    zen cart 1.3.9.d upgraded from 1.3.8a

    I received a notice from a customer that my lightbox (zen lightbox 1.5) was hanging in their google chrome browser when they clicked on a product picture. I checked it with my google chrome and sure enough it was hanging in mine too. I removed the lightbox and tried different versions with no luck so I went back to my original zen lightbox and now that won't work right.

    I had it installed on zen 1.3.8a working good and carried it over during update to zen 1.3.9d but now that's it has been removed and trying to put it back it just won't work right in any browser. I click on an image and I can see the lightbox trying to open and then the image just pops out opening in the browser instead and then I have to click the browser back button to go back to my store.

    I tried aozhaver's fix but it didn't make any difference to what is happening.

    There are no debug files in my cache for a clue.

  6. #2196
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    I searched this thread, but didn't find anything relevant.

    We are using sub-categories as our product pages. Because of this, we put several images along with a description in the sub-category description box. It doesn't look like sub-categories have a folder in modules/pages to put the appropriate file. How can I get this lightbox code to work with my image code in the sub-category description?

    I hope that is clear enough. Thanks for any help.

  7. #2197
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    Default Re: Problem with images in reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by stanislawl View Post

    Thank you for your great contribution.

    I have a small problem with lightbox on reviews pages. I have a website in 5 languages ( and the standard language is Polish. There are 3 reviews, all in Polish. If a review is displayed in Polish (, everything is OK (see pic. 1), but after having switched to another language I have an unnecessary text on the left border of the image (see pic. 2). Moreover, it stays when I switch back to Polish (

    How to get rid of that?

    Best regards,
    Hi Guys
    Lightbox has been great, installed easily, works in all the browsererc and I have no problems except I get exactly the same problem in 'reviews', the code number in square brackets followed by a small piece of code example .[BRB 002]">
    next to the image. You can see an example on my test site

    The review page appears to use the same image code as all the other pages but only has this fault on the reviews page as far as i can tell

    Any ideas or help would be great.
    Kind regards

  8. #2198
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    Default Re: Problem with images in reviews

    For those who fail to make it work after following Dave's instructions, remember to EMPTY your chrome browser CACHE after applying the fix. I had to do this in order to see the fix working! Thanks Dave.

  9. #2199
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    Default Re: Zen Lightbox...

    yayyy! after taking a break and coming back and re-re-reading davewests directions and finally finding the slimbox zip that was posted I finally 'GOT IT' and my lightbox is now working in chrome. It was driving me nuts without my lightbox.

    Thank you davewest!

    For anyone else that finally discovers they or their customers have a problem with their stores lightbox in google chrome:

    go here -

    and download the file - MooTools Core 1.3 with compatibility

    Go to this post

    and find near the bottom and download the file

    unzip the the file and upload the slimbox.php file to \includes\classes\zen_lightbox\, replacing the existing one.

    Open the MooTools Core 1.3 file in a text editor. Highlight and copy the code, then paste the code into the two files (removing the code that's in them)


  10. #2200
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    Default Re: Problem with images in reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by sickguy View Post
    For those who fail to make it work after following Dave's instructions, remember to EMPTY your chrome browser CACHE after applying the fix. I had to do this in order to see the fix working! Thanks Dave.
    Hi Sickguy

    Your post 'Re: Problem with images in reviews'

    where are Dave's instructions you say I should follow, i can only see instructions for post related to 'Re: Zen lightbox chrome fix' which I do not have a problem with, my LightBox works fine in all browser. I just have aproblem with the images in Reviews which have unwanted text/code to the left of the image



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