Store credit and reward point module
Developed from the store credit module(Kath Chapman)
This module's main features:
1. Allow store owners to add store credit to customers' accounts via admin
2. Allow customers to earn store credit at certain % of the purchase value (set in admin)
3. Allow customers to redeem those points during checkout.
4. In testing: automatically removes points when the order is canceled or refunded.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
The instruction say put cron above store but it won't work because it looks for application_top. So I had to move it to inside the store. I ran it manually and it processed the rewards acuatlly. Currently only working with the cash values, not the points. Going to go set up my cron and do further testing. This is a live store and will PM you with address. I have had problems recently with some users and robots, coming from Zen unfortunatly, so i had to remove my address from my sig and such.
Thanks for the mod its been what I was looking for.
Suggestion: Drop the Modules Manager - Good intention and use but creates confusion and hard to back track errors and such. Just a suggestion.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Suggestion: Drop the Modules Manager - Good intention and use but creates confusion and hard to back track errors and such. Just a suggestion.
Everything has a beginning, even ZC has many bugs. This module if works correctly would not only help you but also saves us time as well. We dont want to create extra doc and spend extra time to help users running the sql patches and such. So this may be troublesome at first, but with the help of users like you we will eventually fix all the bugs and save the time in the long term.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Did some testing and got some errors. I will PM you in a few regarding.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
sure, just pm me or numinix. (all module manager related errors should be directed to me though)
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Bravo for this module, it is working great !
I have a question : I works perfectly with products without attribute, but when attributes are added I get stopped with this message on the process page :
1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':2da10f03e725050e43fb5d73f845f2d6 LIMIT 1' at line 1
[SELECT ratio FROM sc_products_ratio WHERE products_id=39:2da10f03e725050e43fb5d73f845f2d6 LIMIT 1]
Is it normal ?
Thank you
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Not normal, but an easy fix:
Try to update your includes/classes/store_credit.php to use this instead:
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Thank you ! it is working now, great !
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Things are really looking good.
How do you remove the refresh button on the checkout page?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Which one? I dont think we modify the checkout page in any way. Can you please show a screenshot? Regards.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Using FEC. a refresh button appears upon checkout, which is not need. See image attachment.
Thank You
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Using FEC. a refresh button appears upon checkout, which is not need. See image attachment.
Thank You
What version of FEC are you using? There is no refresh button on my test site...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I absolutely love the mod and the idea of store credit. I think I have an error message, can you please tell me what it refers to. Thank you
1146 Table 'bigfoot_zc2.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select count(*) as total from zen_customers c left join zen_sc_customers sc on c.customers_id= sc.customers_id ]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
I absolutely love the mod and the idea of store credit. I think I have an error message, can you please tell me what it refers to. Thank you
1146 Table 'bigfoot_zc2.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select count(*) as total from zen_customers c left join zen_sc_customers sc on c.customers_id= sc.customers_id ]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
If this means anything, I don't have any customers yet.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi Yellow,
Thanks for the reply. I am currently using 2.13(?) version and did do a quick test with 2.14 and it DID remove the refresh button. Unfortunately I have a custom stacked FEC and have to look into the structure of the two version which seem to have dramatically changed. Not using modules? Not sure on this since I only did a quick test. Thank you for the correct direction in the matter and will update any if need be.
Thanks again
Re: Store credit and reward point module
The original had the two template types in one file with stacked at the top and split on the bottom. You should be able to just copy and paste your changes into the new appropriately named file.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Ok ,will look at it. On a separate note
has anyone looked into the sale price credit conversion if a item is on sale? Or will the above fix for attributes work under that?
And finally on the far end of the subject. Is there any possibility of restricting to certain Top Categories or dissallow one top category?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Where do you get the error?
Did you install the patchs via admin->tools->module manager?
Originally Posted by
If this means anything, I don't have any customers yet.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I have released new versions for both module manager and point reward module.
This should fix all the database patch errors.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I uploaded the shared class files, the module manager, and v3.01b. But when "installing new module", I got an error relating to not finding table zen_sc_customer. I tried uploading v3.01c files and now I get the error
1017 Can't find file: './[DBNAME]/zen_SC_CUSTOMER.frm' (errno: 2)
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
where [DBNAME] is my database.
The module shows under "list all modules" and now I have access under Modules -> Order Total.
Is that error an issue?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
And what steps are required to completely remove the module, if need be, besides deleting the uploaded files?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I cannot get this to work. If I go to Module Manager and go to list of modules and click on update I get the following error:
"1017 Can't find file: './simetra/SC_CUSTOMER.frm' (errno: 2)
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields."
I went into myphpadmin and renamed my sc_customer table to sc_customers but same error comes up.
If I go to: Customers > Store Credit I get the following error
1054 Unknown column 'sc.customers_id' in 'on clause'
[select count(*) as total from customers c left join sc_customers sc on c.customers_id= sc.customers_id ]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
How do I fix this???
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Fixed it by installing the 3.1 version of store credit
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
I uploaded the shared class files, the module manager, and v3.01b. But when "installing new module", I got an error relating to not finding table zen_sc_customer. I tried uploading v3.01c files and now I get the error
1017 Can't find file: './[DBNAME]/zen_SC_CUSTOMER.frm' (errno: 2)
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
where [DBNAME] is my database.
The module shows under "list all modules" and now I have access under Modules -> Order Total.
Is that error an issue?
I think the problem is it is adding databases with out the "zen_" on them how to fix it I don't know as I am no SQL expert.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
when i try to click on "update"
got same problem
1017 Can't find file: './playscom_zc1/zen_SC_CUSTOMER.frm' (errno: 2)
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
where is 3.1 version download link?
i only find 3.01b
Re: Store credit and reward point module
paranoia: is this a test server? Can you pm me more info?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I'm getting an error:
1146 Table 'zencart.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
No idea how to fix it. It seems you have to download files from 4 different locations. It would be nice to have them all packaged together :|
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Working on it, actually. Will pack it in one package today or so. The thing is that it uses more than 1 packages, and these packages are developed separately.
Originally Posted by
I'm getting an error:
1146 Table 'zencart.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
No idea how to fix it. It seems you have to download files from 4 different locations. It would be nice to have them all packaged together :|
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
I'm getting an error:
1146 Table 'zencart.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
No idea how to fix it. It seems you have to download files from 4 different locations. It would be nice to have them all packaged together :|
Sorry - I guess I didn't have the latest files. It seems to be working now.
I had the earlier version of Store Credit installed, followed the update instructions.
Is this supposed to preserve existing store credits? Or do I need to write them down before updating?
Working with a test store so no worries so far.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
It should reserve all existing store credit.
Originally Posted by
I'm getting an error:
1146 Table 'zencart.zen_sc_customers' doesn't exist
No idea how to fix it. It seems you have to download files from 4 different locations. It would be nice to have them all packaged together :|
Re: Store credit and reward point module
This seems to be working - the credit is shown on the checkout page with the option to apply the credit to the current purchase.
One problem: The sidebox is not showing up. It is showing on the list of sideboxes:
I've tried turning it off and back on again, but it doesn't show up.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Had to uninstall but had a problem at step 3 of the checkout page
I followed your instruction to uninstall
Get this message and the rest of the page is blank
1146 Table 'shazzas_clothes08.sc_products_ratio' doesn't exist
[SELECT ratio FROM sc_products_ratio WHERE products_id=116 LIMIT 1]
Is there anything I can do to fix this as they keep clicking refresh which dup orders
Any help will be appreciated./
Using Zen Cart 3.8
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Oh, did you you remove all the files? Regards. And also, which version you use? While the new version does not over-write any file, the old versions did.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi Yellow
Wow! that was a fast reply
Firstly, I for one appreciate your mod, just having probs installing it.
3.01c is the version I used.
I have lost the page for uninstall to check, but I beleive aI followed all instructions
Is there a newer version that I can try and perhaps fix this?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
If you need help, pm me your ftp and admin details ^_^. I will go in and fix it for you (Im doing the same thing for many others in order to get all the bugs fixed)
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I'm trying to install Module Manager on my localhost but encountered the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class yclass in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\zen138a\includes\init_includes\init_yclass.php on line 3
btw, I have installed the Advanced cross-sell mod. also by yellow1912 so my init_yclass.php file in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\zen138a\shadmin\includes\init_includes looks like the following (note the red color text):
require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG.'includes/init_includes/init_yclass.php'); // added for shared class use by Module Manager. By yellow1912
// y stands for yellow1912 :p. I simply add this to store all the functions frequently used in my mods
// PHP4 always pass object by value (default) while PHP5 pass by reference
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0') < 0) {
function clone($object) {
return $object;
class yclass{
function db_result_to_string($glue, $db_result){
$temp_array = array();
// We need to clone, because we don't want to touch the real object
$temp_array[] = $db_result->fields['products_'.XSELL_FORM_INPUT_TYPE];
return implode($glue,$temp_array);
// This function does not work for all languages! BEWARE
function array_to_upper(&$entries){
foreach($entries as $entry){
$entry = strtoupper($entry);
// http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.is-object.php#66370
function is_obj( &$object, $check=null, $strict=true ){
if (is_object($object)) {
if ($check == null) {
return true;
} else {
$object_name = get_class($object);
return ($strict === true)?( $object_name == $check ):( strtolower($object_name) == strtolower($check) );
} else {
return false;
Kindly show me where I have done wrong. Thanks.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Stenrique: did you update the whole shared-class as instructed? I think that's where the problem is
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Please HELP!
I don't know what I did but after installing the mod for this I get this error on checkout
1146 Table 'simetrao_zc1.sc_products_ratio' doesn't exist
[SELECT ratio FROM sc_products_ratio WHERE products_id=233 LIMIT 1]
What do I do???
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi Simetra, did you go to tools->module manager and choose install?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Yes I had installed it that way. Someone who was trying to help me fix the issues I was having I *think* deleted the tables from the database.
How do I completely remove this module in its entirety so that I can do a fresh install to see if that fixes things??
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Yes I had installed it that way. Someone who was trying to help me fix the issues I was having I *think* deleted the tables from the database.
How do I completely remove this module in its entirety so that I can do a fresh install to see if that fixes things??
Huhm, so you just want to install the table again right? Is that correct?
Which error are you getting?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I want to completely remove the store credit module as if i never installed it and then do a fresh install of the mod again
what are the uninstall instructions?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I even tried re-uploading overwriting all files the module manager and store credit 3.1 but if i go to tools > module manager > install new module I instantly get this error
1146 Table 'simetrao_zc1.module_version_tracker' doesn't exist
[SELECT * FROM module_version_tracker]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
Please help. My website has been down for days because of this...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
PM sent,
Originally Posted by
I even tried re-uploading overwriting all files the module manager and store credit 3.1 but if i go to tools > module manager > install new module I instantly get this error
1146 Table 'simetrao_zc1.module_version_tracker' doesn't exist
[SELECT * FROM module_version_tracker]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
Please help. My website has been down for days because of this...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Ok, i finally got mine where i went in and signed up as a customer and now i am showing in the admin under the store credit tab BUT when i go to the Module Manager to download this is the error i get
Failed: 1 http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...cons/error.gif ERROR: Cannot create table module_version_tracker because it already exists http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...ns/warning.gif Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details. http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...cons/error.gif Failed to set up version tracker table
why do i get this?
I am gonna do a test order and see what happens but it wont install
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Also forgot to add i am trying to follow all directions to add this in or better yet as the instructions state to replace but i cant find where to replace it at. I mean is their something to direct me on where in the header.php to tell me what is their now that i replace the below with?
In includes/modules/pages/checkout_confirmation/header_php.php:
find around line 70:
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Also forgot to add i am trying to follow all directions to add this in or better yet as the instructions state to replace but i cant find where to replace it at. I mean is their something to direct me on where in the header.php to tell me what is their now that i replace the below with?
In includes/modules/pages/checkout_confirmation/header_php.php:
find around line 70:
Apologies, the documentation has been corrected.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Apologies, the documentation has been corrected.
ok went back and fixed this but i still get this error i followed the directions maybe something went into the wrong place i have no idea this is agravating that i am so close
this is the error
Failed: 1 http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...cons/error.gif ERROR: Cannot create table module_version_tracker because it already exists http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...ns/warning.gif Note: 1 statements ignored. See "upgrade_exceptions" table for additional details. http://bigeasybathnbody.com/shop/adm...cons/error.gif Failed to set up version tracker table
Re: Store credit and reward point module
What happen to the old Store Credit Mod. I like that one better. This one I can not get installed. I have mess up the old Mod now. Anybody knows where I can get my hands on the old Mod. Thanks
Re: Store credit and reward point module
All versions are available in the downloads section.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Except for the original version of the Store Credit.. If someone has this please let me know. Thank you
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I have version 004 which I will try to post here...
(A few minutes later)
I removed the attachment because this version is in the download section, also earlier versions down to 001. Maybe you're looking for a different module...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I found it thank you so much. The .04 seems to work better for me than the newer one. I can not seem to get it installed
Re: Store credit and reward point module
What's the main difference between this and http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95021
Re: Store credit and reward point module
It is a store credit module with the ability to reward store credits on eligible purchases. The other module was written solely as a reward points module.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I know this may sounds weird but i can't find any Module Manager in my Zen Cart V1.38
I intend to upload using SQL, but when i can't find install.sql in that downloaded folder, any ways that i can find that file?
Thanks alot!
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Re: Store credit and reward point module
It is included in the root of the package in later versions. You may be using an older version. You can download the latest version here: http://www.numinix.com/index.php?mai...roducts_id=768
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hello there
I'm really trying to install the rewards add-on (as this one one of the main reasons i chose this cart)
1) I have installed all the files in the appropriate folders (btw there is one folder admin/includes/classes that is empty..?.) following the instructions for the manual installation as per numinx site. I see the store credit in the order total module -which i set to appear on the cart- but i don't see the credits displayed in the cart.
2) when i try to edit the code to display potential rewards on the product info page it makes everything disappear on the page -or whatever comes after it.
...Already grateful for advise! :smile:
PS i'm having the same problem with fedex add-on but paymentech, stock/attribute i managed to install OK (very proud of it :D )
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I'm using store_credit_V3.02
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Hello there
I'm really trying to install the rewards add-on (as this one one of the main reasons i chose this cart)
1) I have installed all the files in the appropriate folders (btw there is one folder admin/includes/classes that is empty..?.) following the instructions for the manual installation as per numinx site. I see the store credit in the order total module -which i set to appear on the cart- but i don't see the credits displayed in the cart.
2) when i try to edit the code to display potential rewards on the product info page it makes everything disappear on the page -or whatever comes after it.
...Already grateful for advise! :smile:
PS i'm having the same problem with fedex add-on but paymentech, stock/attribute i managed to install OK (very proud of it :D )
The empty folder was just not deleted. Do not delete this folder on your server as it will contain other important files for other modules. If a customer has store credits, the will appear in a sidebox, which you need to activate.
V3.03 is the latest version: http://www.numinix.com/index.php?mai...roducts_id=768
Re: Store credit and reward point module
No I didn't delete the classes folder on my site -I saw there were other files in it-. if i want to install the new version do i have to uninstall all the files from the other version? I just downloaded the v3.02 from this site ...
But the main problem is why the credits do not appear in my cart if v3.02 is installed?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Do you have credits in your account? They will not display if there are none.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I re-installed everything including the new version 3.03. Now I can see the rewards box but I placed an order and at no point during the check out the store credit potential has appeared. (and I also i added the code to the tpl_product_info_display.php file in my includes/templates/MYTEMPLATE/template)
When I changed status to processing, it didn't give any credit points to my account. the ratio i put is 1:10 ($ 1 for every $10 spent right?)
All the settings in the order total section are OK.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
You'll need to run the included file store_credit_cron.php to reward eligible points. Once you've seen that it is working, setup a daily cron-job to execute this file.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
OK! I finally got it working. So for all of you who are not fluent in php and are using a cpanel interface to schedule your cron job you have to put this path in:
php -q /home/yourstore/public_html/store_credit_cron.php
(pls note the spaces at the beginning...) taadaaa!
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi There
Thank you numinix and Yellow for this fantastic module. I finally got it working using the 3.0.3 version.
I do have a question though. When I apply a store credit using admin>customers>store credit to my test account, the sidebox heading still shows up as "reward points" and not "store credit" I am assuming that it would change to "store credit" as per script below:
PHP Code:
define('BOX_HEADING_STORE_CREDIT','Reward Points');
define('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_STORE_CREDIT_TEXT_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Do you want to apply your rewards points?');
define('TEXT_SC_NAMES', 'Reward Points');
define('TEXT_SC_NAME', 'Reward Points');
} else {
define('BOX_HEADING_STORE_CREDIT','Store Credit');
define('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_STORE_CREDIT_TEXT_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Do you want to apply your store credit?');
define('TEXT_SC_NAMES', 'Store Credits');
define('TEXT_SC_NAME', 'Store Credit');
Also are the store credits/reward points suppose to show up in the customers account page, similar to the "gift certificate amount" section? is please let me know what I might be doing wrong, if not, then this would be a handy addition.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
sorry for double posting, but I only just come across this problem as I am still testing this mod. Discovered that the points system isn't taking into account any discounts and shipping that the customer receives, what the system is doing is it is adding the discounts and the shipping therefore rewarding them points for these where it should subtracting these then rewarding points on the balance.
I am guessing that this is something to do with the sort order I have set. Any ideas anyone :dontgetit
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
sorry for double posting, but i only just come across this problem as i am still testing this mod. Discovered that the points system isn't taking into account any discounts and shipping that the customer receives, what the system is doing is it is adding the discounts and the shipping therefore rewarding them points for these where it should subtracting these then rewarding points on the balance.
I am guessing that this is something to do with the sort order i have set. Any ideas anyone :dontgetit
ok figured it out, after some tweaking with the sort orders, i finally got it. Ty kindly disregard above post!!!
Re: Store credit and reward point module
sorry to be a nusience but can anyone tell me how to change the sort order of my "order status" listed under admin>localization. Currently when I cancel an order it does reflect the reverse of reward points and this is because the cancel order sits above my minimum requirement.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Okay, can someone install this module in my store? I will pay you for it...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I am having trouble turning this mod on in order total, getting this error:
1146 Table 'squishyt_shop.TABLE_STORE_CREDIT' doesn't exist
[select amount from TABLE_STORE_CREDIT where customers_id = 13]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
I have tried to reinstall it but still no change.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I tried to install this module and here is the error I got when I tried to access the admin :
Fatal error: Class 'storeCreditObserver' not found in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\mypictales.com\httpdocs\cart\includes\autoload_func.php on line 79
Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I fixed the above error. Now I get another error:
1146 Table 'zen_cart_db.sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select sum(amount) as amount from sc_customers where customers_id=980]
Please help!!!
It only shows up in the MyAccount page.
However, I now see the Reward points box and it shows $0 . This side box only shows up in every other page except the account related pages.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Please tell me...what am I missing? Am I missing any files?
Now becuase of installing this module, i am not able to process any orders. I keep getting the same error...
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
I am having trouble turning this mod on in order total, getting this error:
1146 Table 'squishyt_shop.TABLE_STORE_CREDIT' doesn't exist
[select amount from TABLE_STORE_CREDIT where customers_id = 13]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
I have tried to reinstall it but still no change.
Fixed, it just started working on its own???
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Fixed, it just started working on its own???
Okay it quit working again, still getting the error :(
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Okay it quit working again, still getting the error :(
Now I found out that my orders go through, but they receive this error after the order is placed:
1146 Table 'squishyt_shop.sc_products_ratio' doesn't exist
[SELECT ratio FROM sc_products_ratio WHERE products_id='727' LIMIT 1]
How do I uninstall???? HELP!!!!
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I was looking at the other reward points module but it doesnt support paypal ipn. Does yours? I'm using Web Payments Pro and would love to implement rewards points.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi, I have seen many posts about the following problem in this thread. Obviously it is a common problem, but there is no answer to fix it. I am desperate. I added this mod as the last thing before making my site go live, and now I can't, due to the error. It is not possible to checkout at all.
The error is:
1146 Table :[DBNAME].sc_customers' doesn't exist
[select amount from sc_customers where customers_id = 2
I have uninstalled all the files, and removed the appropriate tables from my database. But I am still getting the error.
I spent over a week uploading over 350 products to my website, and realising this is a database problem, I do not want to have to reload my whole zencart. I have searched this forum, google etc. looking for an answer, but cant find one.
I am desperate, please did anyone find a fix? Any help would be very appreciated.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Would be nice if you would share what you did, so other people on the form will know if they have the same problem.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
countrycharm, you are right. However, I believe it was already answered previously. Anyways, a link for others would have still been considerate.
For anyone having this problem, try reinstalling using the manual method (not using Module Manager). The installation is still very simple.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I installed this module by mistake, thinking it was something else. I am trying to uninstall it now. I installed the most recent version and I went back and deleted all of the files. Within Zen I went to the layout boxes controller and deleted the box for it and now everything seems to look normal. Except for when I try to place an order after selecting a payment method I can't complete the checkout process. Please help :cry:
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I think I have solved my problem.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi, I originally posted this over in Numinix's forum since that is where the documentation said to post, but now I came across this thread and maybe I should be posting it here?
Hi! I installed this and everything was working great until I started getting reports that coupons and group discounts where the total was 100% off (IE not having to pay anything) were not going straight through the checkout, the customers were being taken to Paypal and had to add in a minimum of 1 cent before they could complete the checkout, so I tried uninstalling the module in Order Totals and that didn't work, it wasn't until I removed the following bit from includes/modules/pages/checkout_confirmation/header_php.php:
// if credit does not cover order total or isn't selected
if ($_SESSION['credit_covers'] != true) {
// check that a gift voucher isn't being used that is larger than the order
if ($_SESSION['cot_gv'] < $order->info['total']) {
$credit_covers = false;
if ($credit_covers) {
then it went back to normal, is there a simple fix for this so that I can use the mod again?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Can anyone at all help with this? Please? I really would like to use this mod :)
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Can anyone at all help with this? Please? I really would like to use this mod :)
Did you ever get any help with your issue?
I am debating between this 'Store Credits and Rewards Points Module' and the 'Reward Point Full Suite Module'.
The Reward Point Full Suite seems to still be getting current support (at least as of 24 hours ago!) and since I'm NOT php/sql savvy the support is a priority.
If anyone has any experience, advice or suggestions as to which mod I should go with it would be appreciated.
I'm running zc version 1.3.8 with the zencart_zen template
Zencart ROCKS :clap:
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Unless you have customer who keep coming back all the time to build up Reward Point to me they are a wast of time. Customer come back here and there maybe, and some never come back. I use the Store Credits Module version 04. It has always done a nice job for me. for giving your costumers a refund if they want it that way.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
Unless you have customer who keep coming back all the time to build up Reward Point to me they are a wast of time. Customer come back here and there maybe, and some never come back. I use the Store Credits Module version 04. It has always done a nice job for me. for giving your costumers a refund if they want it that way.
Once we get around to releasing the referrals module, it will be able to be used with either the store credit or rewards module. Currently the referrals mod is being used on the Numinix website only.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
using 1.3.8
will this mod work with fast and easy checkout?
---Will a customer be able to build "points" on every dollar the spend then be able to use the points once the reach a certain amount?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Originally Posted by
using 1.3.8
will this mod work with fast and easy checkout?
---Will a customer be able to build "points" on every dollar the spend then be able to use the points once the reach a certain amount?
Yes, the customer can use the points at any amount, there is no minimum required. If you would like this functionality, please contact sales AT numinix DOT com. The module works with 1.3.8.
Re: Store credit and reward point module
We're on the latest version of Zen Cart. I think I have installed everything correctly... no errors or anything. But, I do not see where or how to configure the "potential points" for a product.
I added the code to /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_product_info_display.php. But when I go to my testsite and click on the product, I do not see the potential points... also, when I activate the sidebox, it does not appear. Can someone please help?
Oh, I read someone asking this also... does this module work with Paypal IPN and Cynergy???
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Re: Store credit and reward point module
I have installed this today but am getting the following error -
); define('TEXT_SC_CRON_ORDERS_UPDATED', '%s order(s) updated.'); define('TEXT_SC_CRON_PRODUCTS_UPDATED', '%s product(s) updated.'); define('TEXT_SC_PRODUCTS_INFO', 'Earn up to %s in rewards points when you purchase this product!'); /* End Store Credit Order Total Module */ ?>
Also in the admin cp i get this -
BOX_CUSTOMERS_CREDIT, 'link' => zen_href_link(FILENAME_STORE_CREDIT, '', 'NONSSL')); ?>
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Anyone able to help please
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hi have removed the point system but now when a member goes though "continue to checkout" they get this error -
1146 Table 'web163-a-zenc-3.TABLE_STORE_CREDIT' doesn't exist
[select amount from TABLE_STORE_CREDIT where customers_id = 2]
How can i resolve this?
Re: Store credit and reward point module
after install this is the error i got PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method storeCredit::get_pending_rewards() in ****/includes/templates/trendshop/sideboxes/tpl_store_credit.php on line 20
Would someone tell me how to fix this please?
Thank you,
Re: Store credit and reward point module
Hey Guys, Love Zen Cart, just thought I would put that out there....
Now, I have had the Rewards Suite installed on my site and I am very happy with it but for one problem. For some reason it does not add the rewards points to an order if someone uses Paypal as a form of payment. Is there a fix for this or could something have been installed incorrect. I have no idea how to do any programming myself and if anyone is willing to assit I have no problems with compensation. As I said, I am very happy with zen cart and really want to continue to use it but would like to have this small bug fixed.
I am using Zen cart 1.3.8a
I only have the rewards suite installed for add ons.
the site layout was customized quite a bit. It can be checked at www.urbansamruaihobbies.com
Any assistance would be awesome. Thanks.