I'm using store_credit_V3.02
I'm using store_credit_V3.02
The empty folder was just not deleted. Do not delete this folder on your server as it will contain other important files for other modules. If a customer has store credits, the will appear in a sidebox, which you need to activate.
V3.03 is the latest version: http://www.numinix.com/index.php?mai...roducts_id=768
No I didn't delete the classes folder on my site -I saw there were other files in it-. if i want to install the new version do i have to uninstall all the files from the other version? I just downloaded the v3.02 from this site ...
But the main problem is why the credits do not appear in my cart if v3.02 is installed?
Do you have credits in your account? They will not display if there are none.
I re-installed everything including the new version 3.03. Now I can see the rewards box but I placed an order and at no point during the check out the store credit potential has appeared. (and I also i added the code to the tpl_product_info_display.php file in my includes/templates/MYTEMPLATE/template)
When I changed status to processing, it didn't give any credit points to my account. the ratio i put is 1:10 ($ 1 for every $10 spent right?)
All the settings in the order total section are OK.
You'll need to run the included file store_credit_cron.php to reward eligible points. Once you've seen that it is working, setup a daily cron-job to execute this file.
OK! I finally got it working. So for all of you who are not fluent in php and are using a cpanel interface to schedule your cron job you have to put this path in:
php -q /home/yourstore/public_html/store_credit_cron.php
(pls note the spaces at the beginning...) taadaaa!
Hi There
Thank you numinix and Yellow for this fantastic module. I finally got it working using the 3.0.3 version.
I do have a question though. When I apply a store credit using admin>customers>store credit to my test account, the sidebox heading still shows up as "reward points" and not "store credit" I am assuming that it would change to "store credit" as per script below:
Also are the store credits/reward points suppose to show up in the customers account page, similar to the "gift certificate amount" section? is please let me know what I might be doing wrong, if not, then this would be a handy addition.PHP Code:
define('BOX_HEADING_STORE_CREDIT','Reward Points');
define('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_STORE_CREDIT_TEXT_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Do you want to apply your rewards points?');
define('TEXT_SC_NAMES', 'Reward Points');
define('TEXT_SC_NAME', 'Reward Points');
} else {
define('BOX_HEADING_STORE_CREDIT','Store Credit');
define('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_STORE_CREDIT_TEXT_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Do you want to apply your store credit?');
define('TEXT_SC_NAMES', 'Store Credits');
define('TEXT_SC_NAME', 'Store Credit');
sorry for double posting, but I only just come across this problem as I am still testing this mod. Discovered that the points system isn't taking into account any discounts and shipping that the customer receives, what the system is doing is it is adding the discounts and the shipping therefore rewarding them points for these where it should subtracting these then rewarding points on the balance.
I am guessing that this is something to do with the sort order I have set. Any ideas anyone