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  1. #211
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    Default Re: USPS Shipping Module - RateV4, IntlRateV2 - Support Thread

    Thank you Rick, but none of the suggestions have worked.
    Usually shipping modules are standalone.

  2. #212
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    Default Re: USPS Shipping Module - RateV4, IntlRateV2 - Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyD View Post
    I have just installed V1.5.0 and there is no USPS in the shipping module.
    What do I do now.
    I am very familiar with USPS Shipping but I am New as you can be with Zen Cart.
    Can you tell me how to make USPS available on my store?
    V1.5 doesn't include USPS but instead is available as a plugin available from the shipping section of PlugIns
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  3. #213
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    Default Re: USPS Shipping Module - RateV4, IntlRateV2 - Support Thread

    Do we know if this module has conflicts with other modules?
    I'm still having the same issues posted earlier, and had to take off the flat rate options as we were getting bombarded with customer complaints yesterday.
    I would install the ratev3 but it was giving extremely high prices with the same exact configurations as ratev4 (?) and not offering flat rate options.
    Any help is appreciated :)
    Contemporary Artist - Entrepreneur -

  4. #214
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    Default Re: USPS Shipping Module - RateV4, IntlRateV2 - Support Thread

    Without going back to look at past orders, the USPS quotes do appear higher than i have seen in the past. With no handling fees, Small FR quotes are coming back as $7.50. First class quotes also seem much higher than in the past. $4.50 seems high for a 0.2 pound first class package.
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  5. #215
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    Default Re: USPS Shipping Module - RateV4, IntlRateV2 - Support Thread

    Something is not working correctly on this module, and I'm guessing USPS made some changes that is messing up the whole thing.

  6. #216
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    Default Re: USPS RateV4, IntlRateV2 support and etc..

    I installed everything and ran the SQL, the admin shows blank field but have no indication/description where the dimensional configuration should go to. Can anyone help?

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  7. #217
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    Default Re: USPS RateV4, IntlRateV2 support and etc..

    Hello All! I too am having a problem with the package dimension filter.

    I am running 1.3.9g with RateV4, IntlRateV2 USPS Module V1.21 dated 2011-29-08 and I ran the SQL patch.

    I want to use the following rules:


    That first line is supposed to be Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope but here's what it gives me in debug:

    weight: 1.5lb, dimensions: 11x8.5x0.75
    weight: 5.1lb, dimensions: 8x5x1.5
    weight: 12lb, dimensions: 11x8x5
    weight: +lb, dimensions: 12x12x5
    Setting dimensions: l=11 w=8.5 h=0.8 for Weight: 0.21875
    Weight/Dimension Filtering Enabled.
    Removed 'Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box'
    Removed 'Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope'
    Removed 'Priority Mail Legal Flat Rate Envelope'
    Removed 'Priority Mail Padded Flat Rate Envelope'

    So I was thinking for some reason it didn't like that first line. I tried setting the 3rd envelope dimension to 0 thus:


    And debug gives me this:

    weight: 1.5lb, dimensions: 11x8.5x0
    weight: 5.1lb, dimensions: 8x5x1.5
    weight: 12lb, dimensions: 11x8x5
    weight: +lb, dimensions: 12x12x5
    Setting dimensions: l=11 w=8.5 h=0 for Weight: 0.21875
    Weight/Dimension Filtering Enabled.
    Removed 'Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box'

    All other Priority Mail Envelope dimensions in documentation make the module fail. USPS documentation says nothing about envelope HEIGHT. Not specifying height gets it to remove every option and throw errors to screen.

    Anybody getting this to work with with Priority Mail Envelopes and Boxes?
    Regards from

  8. #218
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    Default Re: USPS RateV4, IntlRateV2 support and etc..

    The flatrate volumes are already built into the code so dimension definition of the flatrate products is not necessary if you can use volume based filtering. It's just a matter of enabling the volume filter and working on your individual product volumes to cause the filtering to take place.

    There is an issue with International firstclass nomenclature after a USPS change back in January 2012 that needs to be corrected if you have a need for it.

    We have the default
    for dimension data.

    We don't give the customer the option for FR envelope so I'm not sure there is any volume used in the code for that as default. I can check later today. Since the FR envelope is priced essentially the same as Small FR box, we just started our shipping options with the boxes.

    The volume based filtering for the FR products has been working well for us since we began using it in July 2011. I'm not sure what happened but Marco, the developer, disappeared shortly after releasing the code so any advanced level of support is not available.
    RixStix (dot) com
    aka: ChainWeavers (dot) com

  9. #219
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    Default Re: USPS RateV4, IntlRateV2 support and etc..

    Hello there! Thanks for your response.

    Quote Originally Posted by RixStix View Post
    The flatrate volumes are already built into the code so dimension definition of the flatrate products is not necessary if you can use volume based filtering. It's just a matter of enabling the volume filter and working on your individual product volumes to cause the filtering to take place.
    Well that's an issue. This tweaked out zen implementation is a custom sticker ordering tool. You upload an image, give it dimensions and different cut options, and the product is 2-D until you order a lot and have a pile of them or when they get so large you roll them up and stuff them in a tube whereupon it becomes 3-D. So we'd have to determine volume dynamically. And occasionally they get orders for samples of a single or just a few small stickers that could easily go into a for-real snail-mail licks-and-stick First Class Main envelope and that would like like a $1.00 shipping method. That's got me kinda scratching my head.

    There is an issue with International firstclass nomenclature after a USPS change back in January 2012 that needs to be corrected if you have a need for it.
    I saw that. Change 4 instances of "Package" to "Parcel" right? No big deal once I nail down domestic

    We don't give the customer the option for FR envelope so I'm not sure there is any volume used in the code for that as default. I can check later today.
    It appears as though almost no Zenners do. That surprises me. Records, magazines, etc. are all pretty much flat in single units. There's gotta be others out there. I'm always surprised when no others Zenners have the same issues I do.

    Since the FR envelope is priced essentially the same as Small FR box, we just started our shipping options with the boxes.
    I just found that out from the client! I thought there would be a larger price break.

    The volume based filtering for the FR products has been working well for us since we began using it in July 2011. I'm not sure what happened but Marco, the developer, disappeared shortly after releasing the code so any advanced level of support is not available.
    Agreed the weight filter seems to be working perfectly for all PMFRBs with V1.21 on ZC1.3.9g. The client is now delighted to be able to use Priority Mail Envelopes at their discretion for this scenario. I don't blame Marco for backing off. This represents a lot of work (by him, Ajeh, others). I'd concede on the whole issue except for for this regular First Class Mail thing. This is almost like the client using Zen as part of it's marketing and promo type stuff. THEY ARE UNIQUE in this inventory because these aren't custom stickers, they are pre-designed thus their dimensions are known.

    I'm thinking the custom sticker ordering methods we built and which dynamically generates prices (based on material weight to square inch) are simply products to Zen and the system retains the capability to sell distinct products. If the product fits in a regular old envelope with a stamp the choice to send it in a regular old envelope is determined by quantity. Maybe I need to think in these terms and look at a filter for table rate method for certain products based on quantity.

    Any thoughts? And again, thanks.
    Last edited by spheric; 6 Dec 2012 at 07:09 PM.

  10. #220
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USPS RateV4, IntlRateV2 Language File

    Direction requested:

    Until now I've used only the default (built-in) shipping programs that come with ZenCart 1.5.0. Today I tried to install the USPS RateV4 addon, and I'm having trouble locating the language file. After unzipping the download file, I found only two files, as follows:

    zen-root > admin > modules.php
    zen-root > includes > modules > shipping > usps.php

    I installed these two files in the designated directories (although the nature and location of the first file didn't make sense to me). When I went into the shipping modules admin control, I of course got the basic error message that the system couldn't find the usps.php language file.

    To see what I might be doing wrong, I downloaded the USPS RateV3 addon. After unzipping the download file, once again I found only two files, as follows:

    zen-root > includes > languages > english > modules > shipping > usps.php
    zen-root > includes > modules > shipping > usps.php

    After I installed these two files in the designated directories, I went into the shipping modules admin control, where I found that the USPS module was now showing in the list (with no error messages).

    I didn't configure this USPS RateV3 module, as I assume that the RateV4 module is more current. If someone could tell me what I'm overlooking and where to find the USPS RateV4 language file, I would be most appreciative.


    Ken Baker


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