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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Gilroy, Ca
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    Default Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    Hi all,

    I'm running Zencart v1.5.5f
    Paypal pro module (rev1.5.5)
    PayPal Express Checkout (rev1.5.5)

    I can't seem to find a way to change the Paypal Pro Payment Action to "Auth only". It's currently set to "Final Sale"
    The Paypal system integrator is saying that the settings in the Paypal Express module are what control how the Paypal pro module works. When I make changes to the Express, nothing in the Pro settings change. For example, if I change Express to "Auth Only", Pro still says "Final Sale". I also tried to make a payment via CC and it still did the Final Sale.

    Does anyone know where to make the Paypal Pro Payment Action change so I can set it to "Auth only?"


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    Quote Originally Posted by jtovar View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm running Zencart v1.5.5f
    Paypal pro module (rev1.5.5)
    PayPal Express Checkout (rev1.5.5)

    I can't seem to find a way to change the Paypal Pro Payment Action to "Auth only". It's currently set to "Final Sale"
    The Paypal system integrator is saying that the settings in the Paypal Express module are what control how the Paypal pro module works. When I make changes to the Express, nothing in the Pro settings change. For example, if I change Express to "Auth Only", Pro still says "Final Sale". I also tried to make a payment via CC and it still did the Final Sale.

    Does anyone know where to make the Paypal Pro Payment Action change so I can set it to "Auth only?"

    What is the history of update to the site? Has the paypal Pro module been removed and reinstalled (Will need to restore settings including credentials)? There is an option within PayPal Pro that has that option with the following text: Payment Action. It has two options Auth Only and Final Sale...
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    I've had the Paypal express for many years, but I first set up the Paypal Pro back in 2016. The only changes I had to make was some security requirements required by Paypal, on the server..TLS, etc.

    Other than that, nothing has changed. The main reason for me changing it to "Auth Only" is because of the Paypal fees not being refunded. Sometimes a customer clicks the order button multiple times causing multiple orders and payments. I used to simply refund them, but I'll be losing money every time since I don't get refunded the fees.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    Quote Originally Posted by jtovar View Post
    I've had the Paypal express for many years, but I first set up the Paypal Pro back in 2016. The only changes I had to make was some security requirements required by Paypal, on the server..TLS, etc.

    Other than that, nothing has changed. The main reason for me changing it to "Auth Only" is because of the Paypal fees not being refunded. Sometimes a customer clicks the order button multiple times causing multiple orders and payments. I used to simply refund them, but I'll be losing money every time since I don't get refunded the fees.

    Well, the reason I asked about the history of the shopping cart, is that over time (and over versions), there are settings that have been added/removed. Its really only been in the most recent version or two where the upgrade path actually automatically adds the missing/modified keys rather than the old method of removing the payment/shipping module and then reinstalling it into the Zen Cart store... The above doesn't necessarily fill in the blanks and I haven't done the homework (can't remember) what version of Zen Cart was released at or around August 2014 (account creation date), though I thought it was some version before Zen Cart 1.5.5f.

    Anyways, the point is that it is possible (known) that the software supports an authorize only option (especially important when dealing with all of the fees), but that option has to be made available for selection which is "best"/"easiest" done by removing and reinstalling the database settings (the files do not get removed or anything, its just that the settings in the database get removed and installed which requires entry/reentry of those credentials and setting of any changes that have been made or want to be kept.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    Do you know what the Paypal Pro window looks like? I'm attaching mine for reference. The only option I have for Paypal Pro is remove. I don't know where the settings are which edit this module.

    Name:  PaypalProZenCart.jpg
Views: 1901
Size:  22.1 KB

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting

    Yes, it looks much like what you see there on the right, but when the system is "properly" configured, the first line (Alert:) doesn't exist...

    Site (including admin) needs to be properly configured for SSL in order to edit the options which are presented.

    Go to the site and search on SSL. There should be a document that explains how to establish those settings properly. Part of it does depend on setting ENABLE_SSL to true...
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Where is the Paypal Pro "Auth Only" setting was right in front of my face, yet I thought it was something else. I kept going to my site to test https:// and it worked fine everywhere. I never changed the "admin" configure.php file though. I saw this note and realized that I didn't add the "s" to the regular HTTP line...
    * Note about HTTPS_SERVER:
    * There is no longer an HTTPS_SERVER setting for the Admin. Instead, put your SSL URL in the HTTP_SERVER setting above.

    Once I did that everything worked. It's always good to have another set of eyes take a look. I appreciate the help!!



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR